

台湾淡水蟹类列表List of Freshwater crab species of Taiwan)列出台湾约100种淡水 (含溪流、湖泊等) 、陆生和潮间带 (河口、湿地等)被记录之蟹类

玉蟹科 Leucosiidae


拳蟹亚科 Philyrinae

  1. 豆形拳蟹 - Philyra pisum de Haan, 1841

黎明蟹亚科 Matutinae

  1. 顽强黎明蟹 - Matuta victor (Fabricius, 1781)

梭子蟹亚科 Portuninae

  1. 榄绿青蟳 - Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796)
  2. 拟穴青蟳 - Scylla paramamosain Estampador, 1949
  3. 锯缘青蟳(青蟳) - Scylla serrata (Forskal, 1775)
  4. 特兰奎巴青蟳 - Scylla tranquebarica (Fabricius, 1798)
  5. 远海梭子蟹 - Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1766)
  6. 红星梭子蟹 - Portunus sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783)

短桨蟹亚科 Thalamitinae

  1. 锈斑蟳 - Charybdis feriatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

猴面蟹科 Camptandriidae

  1. 中华扁背蟹 - Baruna sinensis Tan and Huang, 1995
  2. 长形魔鬼蟹 - Moguai elongatum
  3. 扁平拟闭口蟹 - Paracleistostoma depressum de Man, 1895
  1. 台湾泥蟹 - Ilyoplax formosensis Rathbun, 1921
  2. 整洁泥蟹 - Ilyoplax integra (Tesch, 1918)
  3. 淡水泥蟹 - Ilyoplax tansuiensis Sakai, 1939
  4. 角眼拜佛蟹 - Tmethypocoelis ceratophora (Koelbel, 1897)
  1. 双扇股窗蟹 - Scopimera bitympana Shen, 1930
  2. 圆球股窗蟹 - Scopimera globosa de Haan, 1835
  3. 长趾股窗蟹 - Scopimera longidactyla Shen, 1932

大眼蟹科 Macrophthalmidae

  1. 短身大眼蟹 - Macrophthalmus abbreviatus Manning and Holthuis, 1981
  2. 万岁大眼蟹 - Macrophthalmus banzai Wada and Sakai, 1989
  1. 短指和尚蟹 - Mictyris brevidactylus Stimpson, 1858
Uca arcuata
Uca lactea
  1. 角眼沙蟹 - Ocypode ceratophthalmus (Pallas, 1772)
  2. 斯氏沙蟹 - Ocypode stimpsoni Ortmann, 1897
  3. 中华沙蟹 - Ocypode sinensis Dai, Song and Yang, 1985
  1. 弧边招潮蟹 - Uca arcuata (de Haan, 1835)
  2. 粗腿绿眼招潮蟹 - Uca chlorophthalmus crassipes (White, 1847)
  3. 窄招潮蟹 - Uca coarctata coarctata (H. Milne Edwards, 1852)
  4. 屠氏招潮蟹 - Uca dussumieri dussumieri (H. Milne Edwards, 1852)
  5. 台湾招潮蟹 - Uca formosensis Rathbun, 1921
  6. 清白招潮蟹 - Uca lactea lactea (De Haan, 1835)
  7. 纠结清白招潮蟹 - Uca lactea perplexa (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)
  8. 四角招潮蟹 - Uca tetragonon (Herbst, 1790)
  9. 三角招潮蟹 - Uca triangularis triangularis (A. Milne Edwards, 1873)
  10. 北方呼唤招潮蟹 - Uca vocans borealis Crane, 1975

方蟹亚科 Grapsinae

  1. 白纹方蟹 - Grapsus albolineatus Lamarck, 1818
  2. 细纹方蟹 - Grapsus tenuicrustatus (Herbst, 1783)
  3. 格雷陆方蟹 - Geograpsus grayi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853)
  4. 毛足陆方蟹 - Geograpsus crinipes (Dana, 1851)
  5. 平分大额蟹 - Metopograpsus messor (Forskal, 1775)
  6. 方形大额蟹 - Metopograpsus thukuhar (Owen, 1839)

弓蟹亚科 Varuninae

Eriocheir japonica
Hemigrapsus sanguineus
  1. 绒毛折颚蟹 - Ptychognathus barbatus (A. Milne Edwards, 1873)
  2. 长方拟方额蟹 - Parapyxidognathus deianira (de Man, 1888)
  3. 字纹弓蟹 - Varuna litterata (Fabricius, 1798)
  4. 台湾扁绒螯蟹 - Platyeriocheir formosa (Chan, Hung and Yu, 1995)
  5. 日本绒螯蟹 (毛蟹) - Eriocheir japonica de Haan, 1835
  6. 绒螯近方蟹 - Hemigrapsus penicillatus (de Haan, 1835)
  7. 肉球近方蟹 - Hemigrapsus sanguineus (de Haan, 1835)
  8. 平背蜞 - Gaetice depressus (de Haan, 1833)

相手蟹亚科 Sesarminae

  1. 汉氏螳臂蟹 - Chiromantes dehaani (H. Milne Edwards, 1853)
  2. 红螯螳臂蟹 - Chiromantes haematocheir (de Haan, 1833)
  3. 三栉拟相手蟹 - Parasesarma tripectinis (Shen, 1940)
  4. 斑点拟相手蟹 - Parasesarma pictum (de Haan, 1835)
  5. 褶痕拟相手蟹 - Parasesarma plicatum (Latreille, 1806)
  6. 双齿近相手蟹 - Perisesarma bidens (de Haan, 1835)
  7. 林投攀相手蟹 - Scandarma lintou Schubart, Liu and Cuesta, 2003
  8. 印痕仿相手蟹 - Sesarmops impressum (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)
  9. 中型仿相手蟹 - Sesarmops intermedius (de Haan, 1835)
  10. 戈氏小相手蟹 - Nanosesarma gordoni (Shen, 1935)
  11. 隆背张口蟹 - Chasmagnathus convexus de Haan, 1835
  12. 台湾厚蟹 - Helice formosensis Rathbun, 1931
  13. 亚方厚蟹 - Helice subquadrata (Dana, 1851)
  14. 德氏仿厚蟹- H.doerjesi =H. wuana aut. (Sakai, Türkay & Yang, 2006)
  15. 秀丽长方蟹 - Metaplax elegans de Man, 1888
  16. 高桥长方蟹 - Metaplax takahashii Sakai, 1939
  17. 奥氏后相手蟹 - Metasesarma aubryi A. Milne Edwards, 1869
  18. 卢氏后相手蟹 - Metasesarma rousseauxi H. Milne Edwards, 1853
  19. 中华泥毛蟹 - Clistocoeloma sinensis Shen, 1933

斜纹蟹亚科 Plagusiinae

  1. 鳞形斜纹蟹 - Plagusia squamosa (Herbst, 1790)

地蟹科 Gecarcinidae

  1. 凶狠圆轴蟹 - Cardisoma carnifex (Herbst, 1794)
  2. 毛足圆盘蟹 - Discoplax hirtipes (Dana, 1851)
  3. 圆形圆盘蟹 - Discoplax rotundum (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)
  4. 紫地蟹 - Gecarcoidea lalandii H. Milne Edwards, 1837
  1. 拉氏清溪蟹 - Candidiopotamon rathbunae (De Man, 1914)
  2. 黄灰泽蟹 - Geothelphusa albogilva Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  3. 厚圆泽蟹 - Geothelphusa ancylophallus Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  4. 双色泽蟹 - Geothelphusa bicolor Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  5. 蓝灰泽蟹 - Geothelphusa caesia Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  6. 日月潭泽蟹 - Geothelphusa candidiensis Bott, 1967
  7. 邱氏泽蟹 - Geothelphusa chiui Minei, 1974
  8. 灰甲泽蟹 - Geothelphusa cinerea Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  9. 长足泽蟹 - Geothelphusa dilichopodes Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  10. 显齿泽蟹 - Geothelphusa eucrinodonta Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  11. 宽甲泽蟹 - Geothelphusa eurysoma Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  12. 锈色泽蟹 - Geothelphusa ferruginea Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  13. 细足泽蟹 - Geothelphusa gracilipes Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  14. 多毛泽蟹 - Geothelphusa hirsuta Tan and Liu, 1998
  15. 宜兰泽蟹 - Geothelphusa ilan Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  16. 兰屿泽蟹 - Geothelphusa lanyu Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  17. 绿岛泽蟹 - Geothelphusa lutao Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  18. 宫崎泽蟹 - Geothelphusa miyazakii (Miyake and Chiu, 1965)
  19. 高山泽蟹 - Geothelphusa monticola Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  20. 南澳泽蟹 - Geothelphusa nanao Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  21. 楠西泽蟹 - Geothelphusa nanhsi Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  22. 内埔泽蟹 - Geothelphusa neipu Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  23. 黄绿泽蟹 - Geothelphusa olea Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  24. 屏东泽蟹 - Geothelphusa pingtung Tan and Liu, 1998
  25. 达观泽蟹 - Geothelphusa takuan Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  26. 大里泽蟹 - Geothelphusa tali Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  27. 太鲁阁泽蟹 - Geothelphusa taroko Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  28. 大武泽蟹 - Geothelphusa tawu Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  29. 蔡氏泽蟹 - Geothelphusa tsayae Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  30. 王氏泽蟹 - Geothelphusa wangi Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  31. 雾台泽蟹 - Geothelphusa wutai Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  32. 阳明山泽蟹 - Geothelphusa yangmingshan Shy, Ng and Yu, 1994
  33. 台湾南海溪蟹 - Nanhaipotamon formosanum (Parisi, 1916)

束腹蟹科 Parathelphusidae

  1. 台湾束腰蟹 - Somanniathelphusa taiwanensis Bott, 1968

