峨嵋山暗色岩(英语:Emeishan Traps)又译峨嵋山玄武岩,另一名称是二叠纪峨嵋山大火成岩省(Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province),是个大火成岩省,由溢流玄武岩所形成,位于中国四川省。
万森·库尔提欧(Vincent Courtillot)与其他科学家认为,峨嵋山暗色岩火山爆发与瓜德鲁普统末灭绝事件几乎同期发生,峨嵋山暗色岩应是这次灭绝事件的主因。另一派理论认为,这次灭绝事件是由小行星或彗星撞击地球造成;更具争议的理论则认为,峨嵋山暗色岩与其他大型火山爆发本身是由撞击事件所造成[1]。
编辑- ^ Adrian P. Jones, David G. Price, Paul S. DeCarli, and Richard Clegg, "Impact Decompression Melting: A Possible Trigger for Impact Induced Volcanism and Mantle Hotspots?", in: Koeberl and Martinez-Ruiz, pp. 91-120; esp. pp. 110-11.
编辑- Dobretsov, N. L. (2005) "Large Igneous Provinces of Asia (250 Ma): Siberian and Emeishan traps (plateau basalts) and associated granitoids." Geologiya i geofizika, Vol. 46, pp. 870-890.
- He, Bin, Yi-Gang Xu, Sun-Ling Chung, Xiao-Long Huang, and Ya-Mei Wang. (2003) "Sedimentary evidence for a rapid kilometer-scale crustal doming prior to the eruption of the Emeishan flood basalts." Earth and Planetray Science Letters, Vol. 213, pp. 391-405.
- He, Bin, Yi-Gang Xu, Xiao-Long Huang, Zhen-Yu Luo, Yu-Ruo Shi, Qi-Jun Yang, and Song-Yue Yu. (2007) "Age and duration of the Emeishan flood volcanism, SW China: Geochemistry and SHRIMP zircon Uranium-Pb dating of silicic ignimbrites, post-volcanic Xuanwei Formation and clay tuff at the Chaotian section." Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 255, pp. 306-23.
- Koeberl, Christian, and Francisca C. Martinez-Ruiz, eds. (2003) Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record. New York, Springer-Verlag.
- Yuen, David A., Shinegoru Maruyama, Shun-Ichiro Karato, and Brian F. Windley, eds. (2007) Superplumes: Beyond Plate Tectonics. New York, Springer-Verlag.
编辑- (英文)Age of the Emeishan Flood Magmatism and Relations to Permian-Triassic Boundary Events. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(pdf档)
- 峨嵋山暗色岩的重新研究 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)《自然》杂志 -
- 发生在二叠纪中期的中国的火山爆发、大规模灭绝事件、以及碳同位素变动 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)《科学》