棱角鳞鳄属(属名:Goniopholis)又名角鳞鳄,是种已灭绝鳄类,生存于侏㑩纪晚期到白垩纪早期的北美洲欧洲、以及亚洲。棱角鳞鳄是半水生动物,非常类似现代鳄鱼。棱角鳞鳄的身长为2到4公尺之间,生活方式可能非常类似美洲短吻鳄尼罗鳄。 棱角鳞鳄与已灭绝的鳄类祖先的亲缘关系非常接近。

化石时期:155–139.8 Ma
Goniopholis simus,生存于白垩纪早期的德国
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 爬行纲 Reptilia
科: 棱角鳞鳄科 Goniopholididae
属: 棱角鳞鳄 Goniopholis
Owen, 1841
Goniopholis crassidens
Owen, 1841
  • G. baryglyphaeus Schwarz, 2002
  • G. crassidens Owen, 1841
  • G. kiplingi Andrade et al., 2011
  • G. simus Owen, 1878
  • Macellodon Owen, 1854
  • Macellodus Owen, 1854
G. simus的骨骼模型,比利时自然史博物馆
G. crassidens正模标本(编号BMNH 3798)

目前已有许多种的棱角鳞鳄被叙述。G. crassidens生存于白垩纪巴列姆阶英格兰G. simus生存于白垩纪早期的德国西北部。G. gilmoreiG. stovalli生存于侏㑩纪晚期的北美洲G. baryglyphaeus则是最古老的棱角鳞鳄,生存于侏㑩纪启莫里阶葡萄牙G. phuwiangensis则生存于晚侏㑩纪泰国东北部。G. lucasii生存于侏㑩纪提通阶科罗拉多州,但可能属于Amphicotylus。生存于白垩纪早期英格兰Nannosuchus gracilidens可能是个棱角鳞鳄的幼年个体。

2011年命名的G. kiplingi,种名是以英国诗人鲁德亚德·吉卜林为名,他的作品冲满对自然环境的热爱[1]


  1. ^ BBC News - Rudyard Kipling inspires naming of prehistoric crocodile. BBC Online. 2011-03-20 [20 March 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-23). 
  • Buffetaut, E; Ingavat, R. Goniopholis phuwiangensis nov. sp., a new mesosuchian crocodile from the Mesozoic of North-eastern Thailand. Geobios. 1983, 16 (1): 79–91. doi:10.1016/S0016-6995(83)80048-5. 
  • Holland, W. J. A new crocodile from the Jurassic of Wyoming. Annals of the Carnegie Museum. 1905, 3 (3): 431–434. ISSN 0097-4463. 
  • Mook, C. C. New species of Goniopholis from the Morrison of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 1964, 24: 283–287. ISSN 0030-1736. 
  • Owen, R. 1878. Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck Formations, Supplement no. VII. Crocodilia (Goniopholis, Pterosuchus, and Suchosaurus). Palaeontological Society Monograph, p. 1-15.
  • Owen, R. On the Association of dwarf crocodiles (Nanosuchus and Theriosuchus pusilus, e. g.) with the diminutive mammals of the Purbeck Shales. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 1879, 35: 148–155. doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1879.035.01-04.02. 
  • Salisbury, S. W., Willis, P. M. A., Peitz, S. & Sander, P. M. The crocodilian Goniopholis simus from the Lower Cretaceous of north-western Germany. Special Papers in Palaeontology. December 1999, 60: 121–148. ISBN 978-0-901702-67-8. 
  • Schwarz, Daniela. A new species of Goniopholis from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal. Palaeontology. 2002, 45 (1): 185–208. doi:10.1111/1475-4983.00233. 

