
车载随意行动网路(英语:Vehicular ad hoc network,缩写为VANET),又称车用行动通讯网路,是将无线随意网路(MANET,自发性建立的行动装置无线网路)应用到车载领域[1]。首次提及并且介绍VANET[2]是在2001年,在“汽车通信系统随意行动通讯和网路”(car-to-car ad-hoc mobile communication and networking)应用中,可以在汽车之间形成网路,并且传递讯息。可以证实在VANET里,车对车的通讯架构以及车对道路设备的通讯架构可以并存,以提供交通安全、导航以及其他道路服务。 VANET是智慧型运输系统(ITS)框架中重要的一环。有时会VANET会称为智慧型运输网路(Intelligent Transportation Network)[3]。这些已演进到一个更大范围的汽车互联网英语Internet of vehicles[4],而汽车互联网可能最终会演进为自驾车互联网(Internet of autonomous vehicles)[5]





  1. ^ Morteza Mohammadi Zanjireh; Hadi Larijani. A Survey on Centralised and Distributed Clustering Routing Algorithms for WSNs. IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference. Glasgow, Scotland. May 2015. doi:10.1109/VTCSpring.2015.7145650. 
  2. ^ Toh, Chai K. Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems, Prentice Hall, 2001.. Pearson Education. 2001-12-03. ISBN 9780132442046. 
  3. ^ Research Challenges in Intelligent Transportation Networks, IFIP Keynote, 2008. 
  4. ^ Sakiz, Fatih; Sen, Sevil. A survey of attacks and detection mechanisms on intelligent transportation systems: VANETs and IoV. Ad Hoc Networks. June 2017, 61: 33–50. doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2017.03.006. 
  5. ^ Gerla, M.; Lee, E.; Pau, G.; Lee, U. Internet of vehicles: From intelligent grid to autonomous cars and vehicular clouds (PDF). 2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) (PDF). March 2014: 241–246. ISBN 978-1-4799-3459-1. S2CID 206866025. doi:10.1109/WF-IoT.2014.6803166. 
  6. ^ VANET applications: Past, present, and future. Vehicular Communications. April 2021.