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蒙特娄生物圈,前身为 第 67 届世博会 美国馆,由 R. Buckminster Fuller 设计,位于圣海伦岛蒙特娄魁北克




第一个网格穹顶是在第一次世界大战之后由蔡司光学公司的工程师Walther Bauersfeld设计的,负责建造 天文馆 来容纳他的天象仪投影机。[1]最初的小圆顶由“Dykerhoff”和“Wydmann”公司在德国耶拿的蔡司光学公司屋顶上建造并获得专利。一个名为“耶拿的奇迹”的大圆顶于1926年7月向公众开放。[2]

二十年后,Buckminster Fuller于1948年和1949年与艺术家Kenneth Snelson黑山学院 进行实地实验,创造了“geodesic”一词。虽然富勒不是最初的发明者,但他是他因这一想法在美国的普及而受到赞誉,并于1954年6月29日获得了美国专利第2,682,235A号[3]现存最古老的圆顶由富勒亲自建造,位于马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔,由他指导的学生于 1953 年用了三个星期的时间建造而成。[4]


该穹顶被成功地用于特殊用途,例如1956 年在加拿大建造的21个远程预警线穹顶,1958年联合坦克汽车公司穹顶,由“Synergetics,Inc.”的“Thomas C. Howard”和专业设计诸如Kaiser Aluminium穹顶(在美国许多地方建造,例如弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚海滩 ),礼堂,天气观测台和储存设施等建筑物。 [5]

从1954年开始,美国海军陆战队尝试使用直升机进行测地穹顶运输。一个30英尺的木质和塑胶测地线穹顶被直升机以50节的速度升起并运送,没有损坏。测试包括组装实践,以前未经训练的海军陆战队员能够在2小时25分钟内组装一个30英尺的镁合金穹顶,直升机起飞航空母舰,并进行耐久性测试,其中锚定穹顶成功承受了一天120英里/小时120 mph(190 km/h)锚定飞机的双3000马力发动机的螺旋桨爆炸无损坏。[6]

1958 年位于俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马城的Gold Dome采用了富勒的设计,用作银行大楼。另一个早期的例子是建于1962年圣母大学Stepan Center[7]

1964 年在纽约市穹顶作为举行的世界博览会的展馆而被介绍给更广泛的观众,由“Synergetics,Inc.”的“Thomas C.Howard”设计。这个圆顶现在被用作鸟舍位于法拉盛草原可乐娜公园的皇后区动物园,由“Synergetics,Inc.”的“Thomas C.Howard”重新设计。

另一个穹顶来自蒙特娄世界博览会1967年世界博览会,它是美国馆的一部分。 该结构的覆盖物后来被烧毁,但结构本身仍然存在,并以生物圈的名义,目前设有一个关于圣劳伦斯河的解博物馆

在 1970 年代,“Zomeworks” 授权了基于其他几何实体的结构平面图,例如“约翰逊实体”、“阿基米德实体”和“加泰隆尼亚实体”。这些结构可能具有一些不是三角形的面,而是正方形或其他多边形。[8]

1975 年,阿蒙森-斯科特南极站 建造了一个穹顶,其抗雪和抗风荷载的能力非常重要。

On October 1, 1982, one of the most famous geodesic domes, Spaceship Earth at Epcot in Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, just outside of Orlando opened. The building and the ride inside of it are named with one of Buckminster Fuller's famous terms, Spaceship Earth, a world view expressing concern over the use of limited resources available on Earth and encouraging everyone on it to act as a harmonious crew working toward the greater good. The building is Epcot's icon, representing the entire park.

For the 1986 World's Fair (Expo 86), held in Vancouver, a Buckminster Fuller inspired Geodesic dome was designed by the Expo's chief architect Bruno Freschi to serve as the fair's Expo Centre. Construction began in 1984 and was completed by early 1985. The dome and the building now serve as an Arts, Science and Technology center, and has been named Science World.[9]

2000 年,世界上第一家完全永续的测地穹顶饭店“EcoCamp Patagonia”在智利巴塔哥尼亚Kawésqar 国家公园建成, 该酒店于隔年于2001年开业。酒店的穹顶设计是抵御该地区强风的关键,并以土著Kaweskar居民的住宅为基础。Geodomes 作为一种(迷人的露营)单位也越来越受欢迎。[10]




镶板圆顶由单独框架的木材建造,表面覆盖胶合板。组成三角形框架的三个构件通常以复合角度切割,以提供各个三角形的平坦配合。在精确的位置在构件上钻孔,然后用钢螺栓连接三角形以形成圆顶。这些构件通常为 2x4 或 2x6,从而可以在三角形内容纳更多的隔热。镶板技术允许建筑商将胶合板表皮连接到三角形上,同时在地面上或在舒适的商店中安全地工作,不受天气影响。这种方法不需要昂贵的钢轮圈。




一些混凝土圆顶是由预制、预力钢筋混凝土板建造而成,可以用螺栓固定到位。螺栓位于凸起的容器内,容器上覆盖著小混凝土盖以防水。三角形重叠以排水。这种方法中的三角形可以用沙子和木纹模制成型,但混凝土三角形通常很重,必须用起重机来放置。这种结构非常适合圆顶,因为任何地方都不允许水积聚在混凝土上并渗漏。金属紧固件、接头和内部钢框架保持干燥,防止霜冻和腐蚀损坏。混凝土能抵抗阳光和风化。必须在接缝处放置某种形式的内部防水板或填缝剂以防止气流。1963 年的 “Cinerama Dome”由预制混凝土六边形和五边形建造而成。





富勒希望网格穹顶能帮助解决战后的住房危机。 这与他之前对两个版本的Dymaxion House的希望是一致的。

住宅不如用于工作或娱乐的圆顶成功,主要是因为其复杂性和随之而来的更高的建筑成本。经验丰富的专业圆顶承包商虽然很难找到,但确实存在,并且可以消除与错误启动和错误估计相关的大部分成本超支。富勒本人住在伊利诺伊州卡本代尔的网格穹顶里,位于“森林大道”和“樱桃街”的拐角处。[11]富勒认为住宅圆顶是由航空航太产业制造的可空运的产品。富勒自己的圆顶住宅仍然存在,R. Buckminster Fuller 和 Anne Hewlett Dome Home 以及一个名为 RBF Dome NFP 的组织正在尝试修复圆顶并将其注册为 国家历史名胜。它位于国家历史名胜名录

1986 年,佛罗里达州 Rockledge 的 American Ingenuity 公司获得了一项圆顶建筑技术专利,该技术涉及将聚苯乙烯三角形层压到外部钢筋混凝土上,内部使用墙板。 该建筑技术允许圆顶以套件形式预制并由房主安装。 这种方法使接缝成为结构中最坚固的部分,而接缝,尤其是大多数木框架圆顶中的轮毂是结构中最薄弱的部分。 它还具有不漏水的优点。

Other examples have been built in Europe. In 2012, an aluminium and glass dome was used as a dome cover to an eco home in Norway[12] and in 2013 a glass and wood clad dome home was built in Austria.[13]

In Chile, examples of geodesic domes are being readily adopted for hotel accommodations either as tented style geodesic domes or glass-covered domes. Examples: EcoCamp Patagonia, Chile;[14] and Elqui Domos, Chile.[15]


Buckminster Fuller's own home, undergoing restoration after deterioration.

Although dome homes enjoyed a ripple of popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as a housing system, the dome has many disadvantages and problems. A former proponent of dome homes, Lloyd Kahn, who wrote two books about them (Domebook 1 and Domebook 2) and founded Shelter Publications, became disillusioned with them, calling them "smart but not wise". He noted the following disadvantages, which he has listed on his company's website: Off-the-shelf building materials (e.g., plywood, strand board) normally come in rectangular shapes, therefore some material may have to be scrapped after cutting rectangles down to triangles, increasing the cost of construction. Fire escapes are problematic; codes require them for larger structures, and they are expensive. Windows conforming to code can cost anywhere from five to fifteen times as much as windows in conventional houses. Professional electrical wiring costs more because of increased labor time. Even owner-wired situations are costly, because more of certain materials are required for dome construction. Expansion and partitioning is also difficult. Kahn notes that domes are difficult if not impossible to build with natural materials, generally requiring plastics, etc., which are polluting and deteriorate in sunlight.

Air stratification and moisture distribution within a dome are unusual. The conditions tend to quickly degrade wooden framing or interior paneling.

Privacy is difficult to guarantee because a dome is difficult to partition satisfactorily. Sounds, smells, and even reflected light tend to be conveyed through the entire structure.

As with any curved shape, the dome produces wall areas that can be difficult to use and leaves some peripheral floor area with restricted use due to lack of headroom. Circular plan shapes lack the simple modularity provided by rectangles. Furnishers and fitters design with flat surfaces in mind. Placing a standard sofa against an exterior wall (for example) results in a crescent behind the sofa being wasted.

Dome builders using cut-board sheathing material (common in the 1960s and 1970s) find it hard to seal domes against rain, because of their many seams. Also, these seams may be stressed because ordinary solar heat flexes the entire structure each day as the sun moves across the sky. Subsequent addition of straps and interior flexible drywall finishes has virtually eliminated this movement being noticed in the interior finishes.

The most effective waterproofing method with a wooden dome is to shingle the dome. Peaked caps at the top of the dome, or to modify the dome shapes are used where slope is insufficient for ice barrier. One-piece reinforced concrete or plastic domes are also in use, and some domes have been constructed from plastic or waxed cardboard triangles that are overlapped in such a way as to shed water.

Buckminster Fuller's former student J. Baldwin insisted that no reason exists for a properly designed, well-constructed dome to leak, and that some designs 'cannot' leak.[16]



圆顶是建筑的自支撑结构元素,类似球体的中空上半部 。

According to Guinness World Records, as of May 30, 2021,[17] the Jeddah Super Dome, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (21°44′59″N 39°09′06″E / 21.7496403°N 39.1516230°E / 21.7496403; 39.1516230), 210米(690英尺) is the current largest geodesic dome.

According to the Buckminster Fuller Institute in 2010,[18] the world's 10 largest geodesic domes by diameter at that time were:

The Fuller Institute list is now dated. Several important domes missed or built later are now in the top 10. Currently, many geodesic domes are larger than 113米(371英尺) in diameter.[21]






  1. ^ First Geodesic Dome: Planetarium in Jena 1922 incl. patent information 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期March 19, 2013,.
  2. ^ Zeiss-Planetarium Jena: Geschichte. Planetarium-jena.de. [2015-08-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-08-31). 
  3. ^ For a more detailed historical account, see the chapter "Geodesics, Domes, and Spacetime" in Tony Rothman's book Science à la Mode, Princeton University Press, 1989.
  4. ^ The Woods Hole Dome. [2019-07-02]. (原始内容存档于2 July 2019). 
  5. ^ Audio interview with Bernard Kirschenbaum on DEW Line domes. Bernardkirschenbaum.com. [2010-10-17]. 
  6. ^ Fuller, R. Buckminster; Marks, Robert. The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller. Anchor Books. 1973: 203. ISBN 0-385-01804-5. 
  7. ^ Archives, Notre Dame. Mid-Century Modern. Notre Dame Archives News & Notes. 17 September 2010 [15 July 2019]. 
  8. ^ Geodesic domes are most often based on Platonic solids, particularly the icosahedron.
  9. ^ Science World – OMNIMAX Theatre – OMNIMAX Facts 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2006-06-26.
  10. ^ EcoCamp, the world's first geodesic dome hotel. domerama.com. [2 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于15 February 2013). 
  11. ^ Carbondale, Illinois, Forest and Cherry. Google Maps. [2010-10-17]. 
  12. ^ naturhuset - Vi skal bygge et Naturhus og en selvforsynende hage pĺ Sandhornřya i Nordland. Prosjektet er sterkt inspirert av arkitekt Bengt Warne, den russiske Bokserien The Ringing Cedars series og vĺr inderlige kjćrlighet og dype respekt for Moder Jord. Naturhuset.blogg.no. [2015-08-30]. 
  13. ^ KristallSalzWelt 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2016-03-04.
  14. ^ EcoCamp Patagonia Domes » EcoCamp Patagonia. Ecocamp.travel. [2015-08-30]. 
  15. ^ [1] 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期July 21, 2013,.
  16. ^ (Bucky Works: Buckminster Fuller's Ideas for Today)
  17. ^ World's largest geodesic dome. www.guinnessworldrecords.com. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 World's 10 Largest Domes. Buckminster Fuller Institute. (原始内容存档于April 12, 2010). 
  19. ^ Superior Dome | Wildcat Athletics at Northern Michigan University. Webb.nmu.edu. [2010-10-17]. 
  20. ^ WWSI. Western Wood Structures, Inc. - Glulam Beams, Arches and Bridges. Westernwoodstructures.com. [2010-10-17]. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Domes of over 100m. geometrica.com. [2019-05-04]. 
  22. ^ Postwar developments in long-span construction. britannica.com. [2017-06-07]. 
  23. ^ The Largest Storage Dome in South America. geometrica.com. [2017-06-07]. 



