
化石時期:晚白堊紀,70 Ma
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 蜥形綱 Sauropsida
總目: 恐龍總目 Dinosauria
目: 蜥臀目 Saurischia
亞目: 獸腳亞目 Theropoda
科: 偷蛋龍科 Oviraptoridae
屬: 始興龍屬 Shixinggia
Lu & Zhang, 2005
  • 遺忘始興龍 S. oblita
    Lu & Zhang, 2005 (模式種)


  1. ^ 存档副本. [2007-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2006-05-16). 
  • Lu, J., Zhang, B.-K. and Li (2003). "A new oviraptorid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Shixing, Nanxiong Basin of Guangdong Province, Southern China." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23(3), 73A.
  • Lu, J. (2004). Oviraptorid dinosaurs from southern China. Southrern Methodist University. unpublished PhD dissertation.
  • Lu, J. (2005). Oviraptorid dinosaurs from Southern China. Geological Publishing House, Beijing. ISBN 7-116-04368-3. 200 pages + 8 plates.
  • Lu, J. and Zhang, B.-K. (2005). "A new oviraptorid (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Nanxiong Basin, Guangdong Province of southern China." Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 44(3): 412-422.

