
星際研究倡議協會(英語:Initiative for Interstellar Studies,縮寫i4is) 是一家在英國註冊的非營利組織,其目標是對星際旅行的挑戰進行教育和研究。[1] 它開創了小型激光帆星際探測器 (龍捲風項目) 和星際物體任務 (Lyra項目)。 它的幾位主管參與了由美國宇航局和達爾帕創立的100年星船獲獎團隊。[2]

Initiative for Interstellar Studies
創始人Kelvin F. Long, Rob Swinney
總部英國 編輯維基數據
航天工程師 天體物理學家
隸屬英國星際學會英語British Interplanetary Society
Andreas M. Hein
標語"Scientia ad sidera"


蜻蜓計劃英語Project Dragonfly (space study)

i4is於2013年啟動了一個名為蜻蜓計劃的項目,該項目由激光帆推進的小型星際航天器。[3][4] 四個學生小組在2014年和2015年在設計比賽的背景下為此類任務制定了概念。[5][6][7][8][9] 加利福尼亞大學聖巴巴巴拉的團隊設計隨後被選為突破星射的基礎系統架構。 隨後的一項研究,仙人掌項目,在2016年宣布之前為突破星射提供了信息。[10][11]


在2017年11月,i4is啟動了天琴座計劃,並提出了一套任務概念,以到達星際物體英語Interstellar object奧陌陌,以及尚未被發現的物體。[12][13][14][15] 該項目已在許多媒體上發表。[16][17][18][19][20][21]

斯坦福福Torus-based generation ship,由Hyperion項目提出[22]

i4is已經發表了關於世界船(大型星際發電船)的文章,並於2019年在歐空局星際研討會以及歐洲空間局(ESA)的Acta Futura雜誌上介紹了其結果。[23][24][25] 它的幾個核心團隊成員之前曾在伊卡魯斯星際的Hyperion項目上工作過。








  • 弗里曼·戴森FRS,理論物理學家和數學家,高級研究院名譽教授,是i4is諮詢委員會的成員
  • 反應引擎有限公司的總經理艾倫·邦德是i4is的顧問。
  • 伊恩·克勞福德博士,倫敦大學伯克貝克學院地球和行星科學系行星科學和天體生物學教授,是i4is諮詢委員會的成員[29]
  • 紐約市理工學院教授格雷戈里·L·馬特洛夫是i4is諮詢委員會主席。[30][31]


  1. ^ 「The Institute for Interstellar Studies」, Spaceflight (magazine), Editorial, Vol.54, No.12, p.445, December 2012, by David Baker
  2. ^ 100 Year Starship. DARPA. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-22). 
  3. ^ 「Project Dragonfly」, i4is.org/news/dragonfly
  4. ^ Project Dragonfly: The case for small, laser-propelled, distributed probes. [2022-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-07-02). 
  5. ^ Perakis, Nikolaos; Schrenk, Lukas; Gutsmiedl, Johannes; Koop, Artur; Losekamm, Martin J. Project Dragonfly: A feasibility study of interstellar travel using laser-powered light sail propulsion. Acta Astronautica. 2016, 129: 316–324. Bibcode:2016AcAau.129..316P. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.09.030. 
  6. ^ Häfner, Tobias; Kushwaha, Manisha; Celik, Onur; Bellizzi, Filippo. Project Dragonfly: Sail to the stars. Acta Astronautica. 2019, 154: 311–319. Bibcode:2019AcAau.154..311H. S2CID 116056664. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.05.018. 
  7. ^ Project Dragonfly - Sail to the Stars. [2022-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-06). 
  8. ^ Project Dragonfly: Design Competitions and Crowdfunding. [2022-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2017-12-01). 
  9. ^ Cain, Fraser. Project Dragonfly. A Laser-Powered Probe to Alpha Centauri. Universe Today. [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-29). 
  10. ^ Moody, Oliver. Tiny armada to explore space. The Times. [15 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-02). 
  11. ^ Emerging Technology from the arXiv. Femto-Spacecraft Could Travel to Alpha Centauri. MIT Technology Review. [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-02). 
  12. ^ Hein, Andreas M.; Perakis, Nikolaos; Eubanks, T. Marshall; Hibberd, Adam; Crowl, Adam; Hayward, Kieran; Kennedy III, Robert G.; Osborne, Richard. Project Lyra: Sending a spacecraft to 1I/'Oumuamua (former A/2017 U1), the interstellar asteroid. Acta Astronautica. 7 January 2019, 161: 552–561 [2022-11-02]. Bibcode:2017arXiv171103155H. S2CID 119474144. arXiv:1711.03155 . doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.12.042. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-02). 
  13. ^ Hibberd, Adam; Perakis, Nikolaos; Hein, Andreas M. Sending a Spacecraft to Interstellar Comet C/2019 Q4 (Borisov). 13 September 2019. arXiv:1909.06348 . 
  14. ^ Hibberd, Adam; Hein, Andreas M. Project Lyra: Catching 1I/'Oumuamua-Using Nuclear Thermal Rockets. Acta Astronautica. 2021, 179: 594–603 [2022-11-02]. Bibcode:2021AcAau.179..594H. S2CID 221104007. arXiv:2008.05435 . doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.11.038. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-25). 
  15. ^ Hibberd, Adam; Hein, Andreas M; Eubanks, T Marshall. Project Lyra: Catching 1I/'Oumuamua--Mission Opportunities After 2024. Acta Astronautica. 2020, 170: 136–144 [2022-11-02]. Bibcode:2020AcAau.170..136H. S2CID 119078436. arXiv:1902.04935 . doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.01.018. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-02). 
  16. ^ Powell, Corey S. Visitors from deep space are buzzing our solar system. The race is on to explore them. NBC News. [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-16). 
  17. ^ Greshko, Michael. Interstellar comet starts coming into focus. National Geographic. 4 October 2019 [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-17). 
  18. ^ Oberhaus, Daniel. Should Earthlings Chase 'Oumuamua Into Interstellar Space?. Wired. [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-10). 
  19. ^ Powell, Corey S. What is Oumuamua? Here's what we know about the interstellar object. NBC News. [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-04). 
  20. ^ Williams, Matt. Could we intercept interstellar comet C/2019 Q4 Borisov?. Phys.org. [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-25). 
  21. ^ Ciaccia, Chris. Newly discovered interstellar visitor could be intercepted, study says. Fox News. 20 September 2019 [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-02). 
  22. ^ Hein, Andreas M.; Pak, Mikhail; Pütz, Daniel; Bühler, Christian; Reiss, Philipp. World ships—architectures & feasibility revisited. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. 2012, 65 (4): 119. 
  23. ^ Hein, Andreas M; Smith, Cameron; Marin, Frederic; Staats, Kai. World Ships: Feasibility and Rationale (PDF). Acta Futura. 2020, 12: 75–104. S2CID 218571111. arXiv:2005.04100 . doi:10.5281/zenodo.3747333. [失效連結]
  24. ^ Faife, Corin. Scientists Are Contemplating a 1,000-Year Space Mission to Save Humanity. Medium - OneZero. 17 December 2019 [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-27). 
  25. ^ Hein, Andreas M; Smith, Cameron; Marin, Frédéric; Staats, Kai. World Ships –Feasibility and Rationale (PDF). [16 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-11-02). 
  26. ^ Dorminey, Bruce. Proposed Venus Balloon Mission Could Detect Life By 2022. Forbes. [14 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-02). 
  27. ^ Hein, Andreas M; Lingam, Manasvi; Eubanks, T Marshall; Hibberd, Adam; Fries, Dan; Blase, William Paul. A Precursor Balloon Mission for Venusian Astrobiology. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 2020, 903 (2): L36 [2022-11-02]. Bibcode:2020ApJ...903L..36H. S2CID 221878878. arXiv:2009.11826 . doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abc347. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-02). 
  28. ^ Principium. i4is. [2022-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-07). 
  29. ^ Dr Ian Crawford. Birkbeck College, University of London. [2022-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2020-06-15). 
  30. ^ Gregory L. Matloff. New York City College of Technology. [2013-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-19). 
  31. ^ I4IS - Senior Advisory Council. www.i4is.org. [15 May 2022]. (原始內容存檔於18 September 2012). 

