蒙特維多戰役 (1807年)

蒙特維多戰役(英語:The Battle of Montevideo)又被稱作蒙特維多圍攻(西班牙語:Sitio de Montevideo),是拿破崙戰爭期間大英帝國西班牙帝國之間爆發的一場戰鬥。這場戰鬥是英國入侵拉布拉他河流域作戰的一部分,最終英軍成功攻佔城市蒙特維多

The British attacking a breach in the defenses of Montevideo.
結果 英軍奪取蒙特維多
西班牙 英國 英國
Gov. Pascual Ruiz Huidobro 英國 Sir Samuel Auchmuty
c.5000 soldiers 6000 soldiers
1500 (c. 500 killed) plus 2000 prisoners. 600 (c. 150 killed and died of wounds).


  • José BATLLE y CARREÓ. 'Memorias' in (Revista Histórica tomo VII No 19 pp146–164, Montevideo, 1914).
  • George BRUCE. Harbottle's Dictionary of Battles. (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981) (ISBN 0-442-22336-6).
  • Ernestina COSTA. English Invasion of the River Plate (Guillermo Kraft Ltda., Buenos Aires, 1937).
  • Ian FLETCHER. The Waters of Oblivion: The British Invasion of the Rio de la Plata (Spellmont Ltd. Tonbridge Wells, 1991). (ISBN 0-946771-69-3)
  • Juan Carlos LUZURIAGA. Una Gesta Heroica: Las Invasiones Inglesas y la defensa del Plata (Torre de Vigia Ediciones, Montevideo, 2004). (ISBN 9974-7789-2-1)
  • Antonio N. PEREIRA. La Invasion inglesa del Rio de la Plata (Renaud Reynaud, Montevideo, 1877).
  • Carlos ROBERTS. Las invasiones inglesas. (Emece Ediciones, Buenos Aires, 2000).
  • John TUCKER, Maj. A Narrative of the Operation of Small British Force under the Command of Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Auchmuty, employed in the Reduction of Monte Video on the River Plate, A.D. 1807. By a Field Officer on the Staff. (John Joseph Stockdale, London, 1807).