DAF-2秀麗隱桿線蟲Caenorhabditis elegans)的一個基因,編碼的蛋白與人胰島素樣生長因子1受體(IGF-1R)同源。DAF-2是第一個發現的與老化速率有關的代謝途徑基因[1]。DAF-2也與生殖發育的調控,氧化應激的應對,溫度耐受,缺氧以及對細菌病原體的抵抗有關[2]辛西婭·凱尼恩(Cynthia Kenyon)獲得的DAF-2突變體線蟲壽命為普通線蟲的兩倍[3]

abnormal dauer formation protein 2
生物 Caenorhabditis elegans
符號 daf-2
Entrez 175410
RefSeq (mRNA) NM_065249.5
RefSeq (蛋白質) NP_497650.4
UniProt Q968Y9
染色體 III: 2.99 - 3.03 Mb


  1. ^ Keyton, C. The first long-lived mutants: discovery of the insulin/IGF-1 pathway for ageing.
  2. ^ Minaxi S Gami and Catherine A Wolkow (2006).
  3. ^ Jennie B. Dorman, Bella Albinder, Terry Shroyer & Cynthia Kenyon, "The age-1 and daf-2 genes function in a common pathway to control the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans," Genetics, volume 141, number 4, pages 1399-1406 (1995); and Javier Apfeld & Cynthia Kenyon, "Cell non-autonomy of C. elegans daf-2 function in the regulation of diapause and lifespan," Cell, v. 95, n.2, pp.199-210 (1998).