模板:Cite patent/doc
此頁面是Template:Cite patent的模板文件。 此頁面可能包含了模板的使用說明、分類和其他內容。 |
{{Cite patent
| country =
| number =
| status =
| title =
| pubdate =
| gdate =
| fdate =
| pridate =
| inventor =
| invent1 =
| invent2 =
| assign1 =
| assign2 =
| class =
- country:國家,必須是兩個字母的國家代碼,如「US」或「WO」。
- number:專利編號,不要加入逗號(例如中國專利授權公告號中「CN」後的數字)。
- status:狀態:如申請中,請輸入「application」,若已成為專利,請輸入「patent」。
- title:專利名稱,必填。
- assign1:受讓人1,可增加多一名,即「assign2」。
- inventor:發明者列表。
- invent1:發明者1的名稱,最多可寫4名,即invent1-invent4。
- pubdate:專利申請的公布日期,請使用以下格式:YYYY - MM - DD。
- gdate:專利批出日期,請使用以下格式:YYYY - MM - DD。
- pridate:優先權日期,請使用以下格式:YYYY - MM - DD,不會顯示出來,但可作為有用參考。
- fdate:申請日期,請使用以下格式:YYYY - MM - DD,不會顯示出來,但可作為有用參考。
- class:用作輸入ECLA分類,不會顯示出來,但可作為有用參考。
編輯This template produces COinS metadata; see COinS in Wikipedia for background information.
編輯General patent template for citing patents or patent applications from any country is drawn from the espacenet database.
參數 | 描述 | 類型 | 狀態 | |
Country code | country country-code country | two letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2); the top 10 countries by patent application in 2011 were - JP=Japan, CN=China, US=United States, KR=South Korea, DE=Germany, FR=France, GB=United Kingdom, CH=Switzerland, NL=Netherlands, RU=Russia
| 字串 | 建議 |
Publication number | number publication-number patent-number | patent or patent application publication number ... do not include commas (e.g. 1,700,545 should be 1700545) | 行 | 建議 |
Title | title | patent title | 字串 | 必填 |
Status | status description status | application or patent - If pending, use application. If granted, use patent
| 行 | 建議 |
Date of publication | pubdate publication-date | the publication date of an application, required if status/description=application; use format YYYY-MM-DD
| 行 | 建議 |
Filing date | fdate | the filing date; this is not displayed, but is used to generate COinS meta data and may have future utility. Use YYYY-MM-DD
| 日期 | 非必填 |
Priority date | pridate | the (earliest) priority date; this is not displayed, but could be useful to include for future reference. Including multiple priorities is unnecessarily complicated. Use YYYY-MM-DD
| 不明 | 非必填 |
Date of issue | gdate issue-date | the date of grant (issuance) of a patent; required if status/description _is not_ "application"
| 不明 | 建議 |
Inventor 1 - surname | invent1 inventor-surname inventor1-surname inventor-last inventor1-last inventor invent-1 invent1 | surname - 1st inventor
| 行 | 建議 |
Inventor 2 - surname | invent2 inventor2-surname inventor2-last inventor2 invent2 | surname - 2nd inventor | 行 | 非必填 |
Inventor 3 - surname | invent3 inventor3-surname inventor3-last inventor3 invent3 | surname - 3rd inventor | 行 | 非必填 |
Inventor 4 - surname | invent4 inventor4-surname inventor4-last inventor4 invent4 | surname - 4th inventor | 行 | 非必填 |
Inventor 1 - given name | inventor1-first inventor-given inventor1-given inventor-first | given name - 1st inventor | 行 | 建議 |
Inventor 2 - given name | inventor2-first inventor2-given | given name - 2nd inventor | 行 | 非必填 |
Inventor 3 - given name | inventor3-first inventor3-given | given name - 3rd inventor | 行 | 非必填 |
Inventor 4 - given name | inventor4-first inventor4-given | given name - 4th inventor | 行 | 非必填 |
Inventor 1 - Wikipedia article | inventorlink inventorlink1 | Wikilink biographical article name, no square brackets | 頁面名稱 | 非必填 |
Inventor 2 - Wikipedia article | inventorlink2 | add biographical article name, no square brackets | 頁面名稱 | 非必填 |
Inventor 3 - Wikipedia article | inventorlink3 | add biographical article name, no square brackets | 頁面名稱 | 非必填 |
Inventor 4 - Wikipedia article | inventorlink4 | add biographical article name, no square brackets | 頁面名稱 | 非必填 |
Assignee - first | assign1 | first assignee's name | 行 | 非必填 |
Assignee - second | assign2 | second assignee's name | 行 | 非必填 |
URL | url | Explicit URL to patent information
| URL | 非必填 |