


  • If the liquid in the glass is clear, the weather will be bright and clear.
  • 瓶內液體清澈,將會是晴天
  • If the liquid is cloudy, the weather will be cloudy as well, perhaps with precipitation.
  • 瓶內液體朦朧,將會是陰雲密布,或許還會有降水
  • If there are small dots in the liquid, humid or foggy weather can be expected.
  • 瓶內液體懸浮着大量小點,天氣將變得潮濕,也許有大霧
  • A cloudy glass with small stars indicates thunderstorms.
  • 朦朧的液體中懸浮着小的星狀結晶,指示着將有雷暴天氣
  • If the liquid contains small stars on sunny winter days, then snow is coming.
  • 冬天若液體中懸浮着小的星狀結晶,意味着要下雪了
  • If there are large flakes throughout the liquid, it will be overcast in temperate seasons or snowy in the winter.
  • 液體中出現有大羽毛晶體,若是在溫暖的時節,天氣會轉陰,而如果是在冬天,將會下雪。
  • If there are crystals at the bottom, this indicates frost.
  • 瓶中有樟腦晶體,預示着要霜凍了
  • If there are threads near the top, it will be windy.
  • 有絲狀結晶漂浮在液面,意味着要起風了
2024年8月26日 14:29:58(UTC) – 刷新