
開發者Peter Hanappe and others
操作系統Unix-like, Microsoft Windows
類型Software synthesizer
許可協議GNU Lesser General Public License (version 2 or later)

FluidSynth, formerly known as iiwusynth, is a free open source software synthesizer which converts MIDI note data into an audio signal using SoundFont technology without need for a SoundFont-compatible soundcard. FluidSynth can act as a virtual MIDI device, capable of receiving MIDI data from any program and transforming it into audio on-the-fly. It can also read in SMF (.mid) files directly. On the output side, it can send audio data directly to an audio device for playback, or to a Raw or Wave file. It can also convert a SMF file directly to an audio file in faster-than-real-time[1]. The combination of these features gives FluidSynth the following major use cases:

  • Synthesizing MIDI data from another application directly to the speakers,
  • Synthesizing MIDI data from another application, recording the output to an audio file,
  • Playing a MIDI file to the speakers,
  • Converting a MIDI file to a digital audio file.

The size of loaded SoundFont banks is limited by the amount of RAM available. There is a GUI for FluidSynth called Qsynth, which is also open source. Both are available in most Linux distributions, and can also be compiled for Windows.

It features microtonal support and was used in the MicrotonalISM project of the Network for Interdisciplinary Studies in Science, Technology, and Music.[2] FluidSynth ,前身為iiwusynth 着稱,是一個免費的開源軟件合成它轉換成一個音頻信號用[[的MIDI注意數據SoundFont音色]]技術無一SoundFont音色兼容聲卡的需要。 FluidSynth可以作為一個虛擬的MIDI設備,從任何程序接收MIDI數據和為音頻上的即時改變它的能力。它也可以閱讀單模光纖(。中旬)文件。在輸出方面,它可以發送音頻數據直接傳輸到音頻設備播放,或到原料文件。它也可以直接轉換為SMF的文件在快於實時<ref>到音頻文件Template:舉網絡 </號>。這些功能的結合使FluidSynth以下主要用例:

  • 合成MIDI數據從另一個應用程序直接到揚聲器,
  • 合成MIDI數據從另一個應用程序,記錄輸出到一個音頻文件,
  • 在揚聲器播放MIDI文件,
  • MIDI文件轉換為數字音頻文件。

裝入的SoundFont音色銀行的規模是有限的可用RAM量。有一個界面為FluidSynth稱為Qsynth ,這也是開源的。兩者都可以在大部分Linux的發行,也可以是為[|窗口] [Microsoft_Windows]。

它的特點microtonal的支持,主要為跨學科科學,技術和音樂研究在網絡MicrotonalISM項目。<ref> MicrotonalISM項目主頁 </號>

See also



  1. ^ Josh Green. FluidSynth 1.1.0 - "A More Solid Fluid". November 2, 2009 [2 September 2010]. 
  2. ^ MicrotonalISM Project Home Page