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-- Aoke1989留言2015年6月23日 (二) 21:21 (UTC) 百家樂Baccarat 保證賺錢班! 3/13/2019 生日快樂🎁🎂🎁🎈 七十歲大壽快樂! 大解密! 誰可以解釋為什麼一定贏? 輸愈多賺愈多保證班打法!回覆

設 P 為龍、為單龍。

永遠是根據第一排的B or P; 來決定下䝬何方! (也就是說第二排的B or P; 不做任何的下䝬決定!)

見 B 投 P 。 見 P 投 P 。 只玩大路的第一排及第二排only.

輸了則平䝬; 贏了則加倍一次;即Double 一次 only.

B P B P B P ; 則+1+2+1; -1-1-1。

P B P B P B ; 則-1-1-1; +1+2+1。

BBPPBBPP ; 則-1,-1; +1,+2。

永遠多 +1 以上!

不必用大腦的打法! Online from $1000 to $2299. Winstar Casinò from $2000 to $3700.

Baccarat Probability 214-682-8888 777Realty@gmail.com

如果你不相信; 則請朋友幫忙, 見B打B,見P打B;只打第一排及第二排only; 這樣就可以買保險;且證明我的打法是正確的決定! 如果基碼是一仟元;則每人每日可以分享利潤$500。 一年就是$182500。 比博士的薪水還要高得多! 你也會很快成為黑名單成員! 別忘了寄出吳老師的學費! 飲水思源,感恩圖報!

2018 世界百家樂賽季軍! —以上未簽名的留言由107.204.21.243對話)於2018年4月30日 (一) 11:58 (UTC)加入。回覆

So many people invest $9000 Buy a book - Beyond Counting by James Grosjean. However they do not understand how to benefit from it. My book is going to give you the simple solution for the loophole of Baccarat.

The strategy called the 66 wonderful winning strategy ! By using the probability baccarat Cheat Sheet. Can help you to achieve the winning opportunity of Baccarat.

6 cards ♦️ 06, 05 is Banker. 40,30 is Player.

5 cards ♥️ 90,80 is Banker.

4 cards ♦️ 35, 90 position; then bet on Banker.

God bless you all. 777Realty@gmail.com 214-682-8888 Baccarat Kingmaker 👑 Master Wu 吳老師👨‍🏫 The Third Place 🥉 of Baccarat World Champion. www.wizardofodds.com IT solution for Baccarat Big Data. 百家樂大數據人工智慧程式開發。已經完成✅🈶️答案了! Baccarat King 👑 吳老師親自🀄️英文教學! 易學易懂。 世界百家樂季軍2018。 百家樂世界認証班。 教學卓越成就奬得主。 量子科技改變百家樂打法教學! 注重創新科技! E= mC*平方。 所以一輸,立即站起來轉換正能量跑道!或是上廁所。 贏時,不能讓別人拍打或握手恭喜🎈🍾️! 天罡5G 理論依據! www.wizardofodds.com

5/17-20/2019 New Orlean Harrah Casinò 現場表演! 世界高峰百家樂論壇!

郭台銘vs 韓國瑜!2020/1/11。 和平理解共享民主自由人權! 不可以再製造仇恨了! 習近平在演講中說:

     「以金相交,金耗則忘; 以利相交,利盡則散;以勢相交,勢敗則傾;以權相交,權失則棄;以情相交,情斷則傷;唯以心相交,方能成其久遠。」

守愚,君子盛德容貌若愚。 守靜,每臨大事有靜氣。 靜,這是中國古人推崇的大智慧。 Cainival of Cash !—以上未簽名的留言由12.204.63.100對話)於2019年4月28日 (日) 06:44 (UTC)加入。 Baccarat Top Secret Strategy ! Confidential file ❤️11/01/2019 How to identify the Pattern in order to choose the table ? 選抬的技巧!比牌技更為重要! 四種容易轉錢的牌型:(選美女) 思路是打單跳!(36:18:9:5) 1. 單邊倒的牌型。(莊) 2. 啪啪連牌型(打第二手連)(思路是打連) 3. 短路牌型(二跳、三跳)(PP;則跳。PPP; 則double 莊) 4. 單跳牌型(鬆散) 然後運用六六大順來調整! (214)682-8888 777Realty@gmail.com Baccarat Kingmaker 吳老師👨‍🏫 所以保證班總結報告: 只要在Row one 做決策; 20 手之中,如果單跳多;則打單跳! 如果連多;則打連!!! 保證讓你贏到笑! 感謝主!回覆

Baccarat (old fox cub) How to identify the Pattern in order to choose the table ? Pick up tips! More important than card technology!

Four types of cards that are easy to transfer money: (choose beautiful women) The idea is to play a single jump! (36:18:9:5)

1. One-sided card type. (Banker only or Player only )

2. Always 2nd hand the same. (playing the second hand) (the idea is when you see banker; then next hand is banker.)

3. Short-circuit card pattern: (two-jump to Banker , three-jump to Banker ) PP; then Banker; PPP; then double Banker)

4. Single jump type !(loose style)

5. Then use the 66 winning strategy to adjust! (Player 43; Banker 65)

(214) 682-8888 777Realty@gmail.com Baccarat Kingmaker Teacher Wu

So the guarantee class summary report:

Just make a decision at Row one;

Among the 20 hands, if there is more than one single jump, then single jump!

If there are more than one not jump, then bet on do not jump !!!

Guaranteed to make you win!

Discipline is the key 🔑 !

Thanks God!

一般人: 贏會怕,愈打愈小! 輸不能忍,愈打愈大!

真正的大贏家,是: 反過來! 贏時1323456789...(我現正要出征!)(狠)! 輸三手時,跑人!(How to deal with loss ?) 悟出真理!你就突破盲點了!

什麼樣的牌型是屬於殺玩家的呢? 那就是大路上: 一下莊家連1、2、3、4;一下閑家連1、2、3、4;則立刻逃避此桌!(矩齒玼差不齊!)—以上未簽名的留言由2607:FB90:4430:23E1:1933:78BF:6692:9887對話)於2019年10月29日 (二) 05:52 (UTC)加入。 Baccarat Kingmaker 2010—以上未簽名的留言由2607:FB90:E003:D116:E134:81A8:1938:FE3B對話)於2019年10月29日 (二) 06:11 (UTC)加入。回覆



幫助:互助客棧刪除指導存廢覆核請求IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin請留言:北京西山公園,中華人民共和國烈士,忠骨回祖國:福州。英雄好漢! 2016年9月23日 (五) 08:23 (UTC)回覆

66 winning strategy for Baccarat


10/27/2019 Top Confidential ❤️

There are ways of knowing the exact position of a particular card in baccarat. By counting down the cards, the player will know when exactly to expect the known card. Lest any advantage players get angry at me who already know how to do this, I still insists to reveal the secret. However, I will present the following tables showing the probability of winning and expected value (EV) of all three bets given the position of the known card. Cells in T-6 probability 32% redindicate a positive expected value.

This Baccarat cheat sheet is a Bible for anyone wanting to succeed at Baccarat. (66 winning strategy 六六大順) The concept is very simple. Use six cards on the left hand side table T stands for 10,J,Q,K=0; We focus on watching the position of the last two cards.

So the whole secret when you see T-6 which is 32% probability and T-5 which is 31 % probability ; then you bet on the Banker.

Now when you are going to bet on the Player, the best opportunity is the last two -card sequence. 4-T the probability is 34%. 3-T the probability is 28%. That 『s the way you handle the probability strategy. Greater Probability ratio means winning ratio is higher ! How wonderful ! It’s so easy right.

Important finding: Baccarat Kingmaker find out : If TAA; 926 TAA; 935 Then even better for Banker’s bet. Because right hand side hiding an 9 or 8. As long as same winning opportunity side hiding with an 9 or 8.

Vice versa; If 495;22T 396;22T Then even better for Player’s bet. Because left hand side hiding an 9 or 8. As long as same winning opportunity side hiding with an 9 or 8. This is the solid foundation for my student to win big ! How wonderful. Thanks God. (214)-682-8888 777Realty@gmail.com Peter Wu Baccarat Kingmaker

Now are you ready for the best of the best strategy for baccarat ?! (Dragon 6,5 / Panda 4,3 Walk around hot table winning strategy) As a team we go to Commerce Casino with over 80 baccarat table. All we do just walk around. When Dragon 🐉 shows up, at this moment the whole hot 🥵 table cheers up with applause 👏; Immediately we go over to the hot baccarat table bet on Banker if the last hand is 6 or 5. Vice versus , When Panda 🐼 shows up, at this moment the whole hot 🥵 table cheers up with applause 👏; Immediately we go over to the hot baccarat table bet on Player if the last hand is 4 or 3. By only use this methodology combined with the wager betting system 132345=18. We can turn $100 to $1800 ! Is that amazing 😉 !!! That is the reason baccarat kingmaker charge tuition fee for $1800 an hour. God bless we all ! Once again my sincere thanks for giving me the opportunity to share this wonderful wonderful idea to our team. Thanks God. Amen 🙏. Top confidential SECRET strategy for YOU ONLY ! Enjoy Wonderful winning  ! Matthew 3:16 God bless you all. 五字真言密咒!❤️❤️❤️ 天道 Sharing with your 12 friends 👬 !

⭐️ Star * Remark: bet on (Banker) 66,65,64 77,76,75.

Dragon 🐉 opportunity: 40 times If T4 T3 Then bet on Dragon and Banker.

Panda 🐼 opportunity: 25 times If 45 Then bet on Panda 🐼 and Player. If 54 Then bet on Tie.

Five cards: 9T is 31% : bet on Banker.

Four cards: If AA:99 Then Banker.

Four cards: If 62:90 35:90 Then Banker.

214-682-8888 777Realty@gmail.com Baccarat Kingmaker 吳復嵩留言2019年10月29日 (二) 06:22 (UTC)回覆



  請停止一切無建設性編輯(如閣下於Wikipedia:維基百科人的編輯)。閣下的編輯已對維基百科構成破壞,亦已遭回退。如果您仍需要進行測試,請使用沙盒。敬請合作。--E8×E89242019年10月30日 (三) 05:49 (UTC)回覆