維基百科:臺灣教育專案/臺大植物分類學 (107-2)/提報作業/''Blumea riparia'' (Blume) DC. var. ''megacephala'' Randeria

Blumea riparia (Blume) DC. var. megacephala Randeria
界: Plantae
門: Magnoliophyta
綱: Magnoliopsida
目: Asterales
科: Asteraceae:Inuleae – Inulinae
屬: ''Blumea''
種: Blumea riparia
Blumea riparia (Blume) DC. var. megacephala Randeria

Blumea riparia (Blume) DC. var. megacephala Randeria (中文:大頭艾納香). There are 12 species which belong Genus Blumea. Blumea riparia (Blume) DC. var. megacephala Randeria is the only native plant of Taiwan among Genus Blumea, also be the only one species with a growth habit of scandent among the genus. Addition to their flowers are bigger, they are easily to be distinguished.[1][2]



Perennial scandent shrubs. Mature individuals are 4-6 meters tall.[3]

Younger stems are green, glabrate, and become woody when being mature. The color turns into brown to light brown. Stems are 2–3 cm in diam.. Stems are striate.[3]



Leaves are elliptic or oblong(apex short acuminate, base obtuse to cuneate), alternate, without petiole between leaves and stems. There are 5-6 pairs of veins, and minutely pilose on both surfaces. The sizes are 9–11×2.5–4 cm on average. Margins are mucronulate.[3]



Flowers are heads hemispheric, close paniculate arrangement, growing in terminal of younger branches. Involucral bracts are about 12-13 mm long, bracts has stripes and minutely pilose. Flowers are in 3 or 4 series, lanceolate, and usually distinctly purple tipped. Flowers can be classificated into inner and outer layers by the length of flowers. Flowers of outer layer are shorter, which are about 2-4 X 1 mm, but the inner layer are longer, where the flowers are 8-9 X 0.9 mm, cover with cilia. Receptacle is flat and 6–7 mm across, with white hairs. Yellow tubular corollas contain bisexual florets in 9-10 mm. Flowers have 5 triangular lobes, with sessile glands and multicellular hairs. Achene are ellipse to terete,and are about 1.2-1.4 X 0.5 mm,with 10 sulcus,There are hairs on the top of seeds, so it is spread by wind. Florescence is from October to November.(autumn and winter)[3]



Diploi, for a total of 16. [3]



Southeast AsiaIndiaJapanMacao、south of China and Taiwan. It distributes mainly to low altitude hillside with plenty of sunshine.[4][5]

Literature of scientific name


Randeria, Blumea 10: 215. 1960.[1]

Literature used first in Taiwan

 Kitamura, Acta phytotaxonomica et geobotanica eng 23: 70. 1968.  (Acta Phytotax. Geobot., 植物分類,地理)[1]

Synonym and the literature used first in Taiwan [1]


Blumea chinensis DC.; Henry, A List of Plants from Formosa 53. 1896. (List Pl. Formos., 福爾摩沙植物名錄) 福爾摩沙植物名錄 A List of Plants from Formosa
Blumea pubigera (Linn.) Merr; Sasaki, List of plants of Formosa 404. 1928. (List Pl. Formos. (Sasaki), 台灣植物名彙) 台灣植物名彙 List of Plants of Formosa
Blumea riparia DC.; Masam., A list of vascular plants of Taiwan 124. 1954. (List Vasc. Taiwan, 台灣植物目錄)
Blumea megacephala (Randeria) Chang & Tseng, Acta phytotaxonomica sinica eng 4: 451. 1975. (Acta Phytotax. Sin., 植物分類學報)

Common names


Chinese 紫蘇英.
Japanese じょうらいやぶたばこ. つるはぐま. [2]



Websites about medicinal herbs in China and earlier documents are usually refer to ''B. megacephala'' when they mention ''Blumea riparia'' (Blume) DC. var. ''megacephala'' Randeria.[6] To avoid confusing, pay attention to scientific names and characters.

This genus is often used as pharmaceuticals. They are bitter and slightly warm. And they have efficacy of promoting blood circulation, hemostasis, and relieving swelling. They can heal rheumatic arthritis, pain of bone, chinese bonesetter cover, swelling, sore throat, gastritis,mallnutrition and indigestion syndrome in children, sore, and snake bite case. Fresh leaves can heal trauma. Instruction: the whole plant take for 0.5~1 hectograms, boiling by water. Mash the whole plant when applying it as ointment. Main component: coniferyl alcohol, carotene. In this genus, the species used more often is Blumea balsamifera(艾納香). Their major efficacy are the same. [7][8][9][10]



There are records on related document of Hakka in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Tsou and Bunun. It is mainly used for medicine by Hakka.[11] [12]Tsou use the plant as blessing and exorcism. Before Tsou build up a kuba, where men assemble, they would bind spears with shredded bark of Taiwan hibiscus, which is incarnadined with Shoulang Yam(a plant belongs to Dioscoreaceae). And holding Silver-grass, the leader of the tribe leads the blessing. Before major festivals, like homeyaya(war festival), it has to be led by the wizard. The wizard bless for clans , with the shredded bark of Taiwan hibiscus, red quinoa, pearleaf microglossa and so on. And they place Blumea riparia'' (Blume) DC. var. ''megacephala'' Randeria at doorways, washing hands to be ritual clean. [13]As for Bunun, they use Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr. together. Mashing leaves of Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr., they wrap the leaves with Blumea riparia (Blume) DC. var. megacephala Randeria, and then warm it up. The cream of leaves can be taken out, applying to stomach ache and eye diseases. [14]



Through applying modern technology in molecular biology(DNA sequences of ndhF ,cpDNA (trnL-F & psbA-trnH) and nrDNA (ITS)) and comparison of morphological characteristics, we can know that they are close to B. megacephala. Both of two species possess woody base of stems.[15][16]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統。大頭艾納香。2014年06月20日更新。. tai2.ntu.edu.tw. [2017-03-20]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 台灣原生植物保育協會。2011。大頭艾納香。. [2017-03-20]. [永久失效連結]
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 PENG, Ching-I & CHUNG, Kuo-Fang; LI, Hui-Lin. Compositae. Flora of Taiwan, second edition. 1998, 4: 888. 
  4. ^ W. C. Lin. Wild flowers of Taiwan - the 1300 species found in the lower elevation (台灣的野花 - 低海拔篇1300種). Flora of Taiwan, second edition. 2005. 
  5. ^ 台灣生物多樣性資訊入口網 。大頭艾納香。. [2017-03-20]. 
  6. ^ 大頭艾納香。愛醫網。. [2017-03-20]. [永久失效連結]
  7. ^ 林俊義. 藥用植物之開發與種原之保存(4-4). Yearbook of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy. 2005, 23 (7): 279-492. 
  8. ^ 莊溪. 大頭艾納香。2013年04月19日更新。. [2017-03-20]. 
  9. ^ 林秀昀. 台灣產大頭艾納香之鎮痛及抗發炎研究。. 中國醫藥大學中國藥學暨中藥資源學系碩士班學位論文. 2013. 
  10. ^ Thomas S. C. Li. Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants: Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values. 2006: 15. 
  11. ^ Hui-Chun Hsu. Plant use knowledge of Hakka ethnobotany in Beipu township, Hsinchu county. Master thesis. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. 2007. 
  12. ^ Yang. A list of plants in Taiwan .. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. 1982. 
  13. ^ 嚴新富. 台湾祈福避邪植物。. 
  14. ^ 玉山國家公園東部園區史前史之研究。. [2017-03-20]. 
  15. ^ P. Pornpongrungrueng1, F. Borchsenius1, M. Englund, A. A. Anderberg, M. H. G. Gustafsson. Phylogenetic relationships in Blumea (Asteraceae: Inuleae)as evidenced by molecular and morphological data. Pl Syst Evol. 2007, 269: 223–243. doi:10.1007/s00606-007-0581-7. 
  16. ^ Arne A. Anderberg, Pia Eldena¨s, Randall J. Bayer, Markus Englund. Evolutionary relationships in the Asteraceae tribe Inuleae (incl. Plucheeae)evidenced by DNA sequences of ndhF; with notes on the systematic positions of some aberrant genera. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution. 2005, 5: 135–146. doi:10.1007/s00606-007-0581-7.