維基百科:臺灣教育專案/臺大植物分類學 (107-2)/提報作業/Symplocos theophrastifolia

Symplocos theophrastifolia is a species of the genus Symplocos in the Symplocaceae family. It is native to Taiwan.

It belongs to medium and large evergreen trees, which can grow up to 12 m. The surface texture of the leaves is leathery. The leaves are narrow and elliptical. They are about 7~15 cm long and about 2~5 cm wide. The leaves are serrated and have nectaries, the surface of the leaves have white powder, some of the midribs of leaves raised, and they have short hairs. The side veins are about 7-8 on each side. The petiole is 7 to 15 cm long, some smooth and some embossed. Inflorescences belong to spikes, but sometimes appear conical. The inflorescence have very dense brown hairs, but they fade and become smooth when they are fruitful. The bracts of the flowers are oval and small.The inflorescence part has 5 splits and hairy. The corolla is partially white with 5 deep cracks. The fruit is dark purple, with a diameter of about 0.4~0.6 cm, and the remaining part of the calyx at the apex. Taiwan is found in low to medium altitude mountains up to 1,800 m. It can be seen in the jungle of the whole island.[1]

臺灣教育專案/臺大植物分類學 (107-2)/提報作業/Symplocos theophrastifolia
Picture taken in Taiwan Erge
Symplocos theophrastifolia
界: Plantae
門: Magnoliophyta
綱: Magnoliopsida
目: Ebenales
科: Symplocaceae
屬: Symplocos
種: S. theophrastifolia
Symplocos theophrastifolia
Sieb. & Zucc., 1846

Other names


Konish Sweet Leaf,Formosan Sweet Leaf [2]



Widely distributed in Southeast Asia, China, Japan and Ryukyu.



The leaves are oblong, sometimes referred to lanceolate, basally wedge-shaped, smooth and hairless or slightly hairy. The leaf margin is jagged and the nectaries can be found.The middle rib is obviously convex on the back, the petiole is short, and the length is about 0.8~1 cm.



Inflorescences are spikes. Inflorescences are about 7~9 cm long with brown hairs. After fruiting, the hair fell. The calyx is triangular and hairy.The calyx is oval. The corolla is white. The disk has orange gland points. The flowering period in August.



The drupe is shaped like a sphere with a diameter of 0.4 ~0.6 cm. It is purple-black when mature and has the remaining part of the calyx at the apex.

1.For viewing: the leaf shape is extremely varied, the serrated edge and the inverted elliptical blade are obvious features of the appearance, and can be provided as an ornamental tree species in the middle altitude region. For example, the garden.

2.Building materials.

Phenological data


Phenology table of Symplocos theophrastifolia

Phenological\time(month\day) January February March April May June July August September October November December
Leaves falling
Flower bud
Mature leaves 2016(1)
Bloom 2014(1)
Flower 2014(3)
Flower falling
First fruit
Fruit 2012(1) 2012(1)
Fruit ripening
Falling fruit


  1. ^ kplant[1]
  2. ^ 臺灣野生資料庫[2]