
教宗選舉的方式被包含在歷任教宗的宗徒憲章:教宗額我略十五世Æterni Patris Filius and Decet Romanum Pontificem教宗烏爾巴諾八世Ad Romani Pontificis Providentiam以及教宗若望·保祿二世宗座憲令主的普世羊群》(Universi Dominici Gregis,1996年)中說明,三種教宗選舉的方式被認定為有效:秘密投票、妥協與一致歡呼。一致歡呼的方式要求全體在場的選舉人一致同意一位候選人成為教宗,而不需要正式的投票過程。正因這種方式不需要事先磋商和會議,被看作是聖神推動了這一過程,也被稱作「quasi-inspiration」。[1]



選舉年份 教宗 註釋
236年 法彬 "...and so, divinely inspired, as it were, they chose Fabian with joyous unanimity and placed him in the Chair of Peter."[3]


590年 額我略一世 [4]
731年 額我略三世 "the Romans elected him pope by acclamation, when he was accompanying the funeral procession of his predecessor"[5]


1073年 額我略七世 On the death of Alexander II (April 21, 1073), as the obsequies were being performed in the Lateran basilica, there arose a loud outcry from the whole multitude of clergy and people: "Let Hildebrand be pope!", "Blessed Peter has chosen Hildebrand the Archdeacon!" Later, on the same day, Hildebrand was conducted to the church of San Pietro in Vincoli, and there elected in legal form by the assembled cardinals, with the due consent of the Roman clergy and amid the repeated acclamations of the people.
1621年 額我略十五世
1670年 克勉十世 The election is said to have been determined by the sudden cry of the people outside the conclave, "Altieri Papa", which was confirmed by the cardinals.
據說這次選舉由教宗選舉小堂外的人群決定,人群們突然高呼,「Altieri Papa」(Altieri是克雷芒十世的本名),隨後樞機團接受了這一決定。
1676年 諾森十一世 The cardinals surrounded him in the chapel of the conclave and in spite of his resistance every one of them kissed his hand, proclaiming him Pope.



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Universi Dominici Gregis on the vacancy of the apostolic see and the election of the roman pontiff. [2014-05-16]. (原始內容存檔於2007-05-06). 
  2. ^ Pope changes rules for electing successor NEWS.com.au. [2014-05-16]. (原始內容存檔於2009-06-06). 
  3. ^ Meier, Gabriel. "Pope St. Fabian." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909. 19 Jan. 2010 <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05742d.htm頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)>.
  4. ^ Laska, Vera. (2005). Review of The Great Popes through History: An Encyclopedia, 2 Vols. International Journal on World Peace.
  5. ^   "Pope St. Gregory III" in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia

