
主權神學意識形態的主要追隨者包括加爾文主義-基督教重建主義靈恩運動五旬宗國度臨在神學(Kingdom Now theology),以及新使徒改教運動(New Apostolic Reformation)[1] [2] 當代大多數統治神學運動起源於1970年代主張基督教民族主義的宗教運動。羅馬天主教整體主義有時也被歸於主權神學一類,但天主教整體主義運動更古老,並且在神學上與新教主權神學明顯不同,因為它與天主教會作為「唯一真正的教會」之教義聯繫在一起。



  1. ^ Nel, Marius. African Pentecostalism and Eschatological Expectations: He is Coming Back Again!. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 16 September 2019: 74. ISBN 978-1-5275-4007-1 (英語). In pentecostal practice, the attention of Christian life moved from the "other world" to this world, and the expectancy of the kingdom that would realise in this lifetime changed to "kingdom now" that eventually ended in dominion theology (dominionism), a group of Christian political ideologies that seeks to institute a nation governed by Christians where biblical law would be upheld. Other ideologies represented by this thinking include theologically diverse groups like Calvinist Christian reconstructionism and Roman Catholic integralism. 
  2. ^ Faggioli, Massimo. Why Should We Read Spadaro on 'Catholic Integralism'?. Commonweal. 18 July 2017 [20 July 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-18) (英語). Spadaro and Figueroa capture this tension most explicitly when they point out the difference between the 「dominionist」 political culture of the conservative political ecumenism of 「Evangelical and Catholic integralists,」 and Pope Francis’s acceptance of the distinction between political power and religious authority.