口服補液是一種補液手段,目的是預防患者脫水,尤其是腹瀉引起的脫水。 [1]患者在口服補液時會喝下含有適量的糖和鹽(特別是)的水。 [1][2]醫生也可以通過鼻胃管將液體輸入至患者體內,此時的補液方式也視為口服補液。 [1]據估計,口服補液可將腹瀉的死亡風險降低93%。 [3]


口服補液的副作用可能有嘔吐高鈉血症高鉀血症[1]如果出現嘔吐,患者要暫停口服補液10分鐘,然後再開始口服補液。[1]目前世衛組織推薦配方是水、葡萄糖氯化鈉氯化鉀檸檬酸鈉的溶液。其中葡萄糖可以用蔗糖代替,檸檬酸鈉可以用碳酸氫鈉代替。氯化鉀和檸檬酸鈉分別有助於預防低鉀血症酸中毒,這些都是腹瀉的常見副作用。 [4][2][5]

口服補液始於20世紀40年代。 [6]口服補液已被列入世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單[7]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 World Health Organization. WHO Model Formulary 2008. World Health Organization (WHO). 2009: 349–351. ISBN 9789241547659. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Islam, M R. Citrate can effectively replace bicarbonate in oral rehydration salts for cholera and infantile diarrhoea. Bull World Health Organ. 1986, 64 (1): 145–150. PMC 2490925 . PMID 3015443. 
  3. ^ Munos, MK; Walker, CL; Black, RE. The effect of oral rehydration solution and recommended home fluids on diarrhoea mortality.. International Journal of Epidemiology. April 2010, 39 (Suppl 1): i75–87. PMC 2845864 . PMID 20348131. doi:10.1093/ije/dyq025. 
  4. ^ Binder, HJ; Brown, I; Ramakrishna, BS; Young, GP. Oral rehydration therapy in the second decade of the twenty-first century.. Current Gastroenterology Reports. March 2014, 16 (3): 376. PMC 3950600 . PMID 24562469. doi:10.1007/s11894-014-0376-2. 
  5. ^ Nalin DR, Harland E, Ramlal A, Swaby D, McDonald J, Gangarosa R, Levine M, Akierman A, Antoine M, Mackenzie K, Johnson B. Comparison of low and high sodium and potassium content in oral rehydration solutions. J Pediatr. November 1980, 97 (5): 848–853. PMID 7431183. doi:10.1016/s0022-3476(80)80287-3. 
  6. ^ Selendy, Janine M. H. Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Environment: Challenges, Interventions and Preventive Measures. John Wiley & Sons. 2011: 60. ISBN 9781118148600. (原始內容存檔於18 September 2017) (英語). 
  7. ^ World Health Organization. World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 21st list 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2019. WHO/MVP/EMP/IAU/2019.06. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.