敦刻爾克圍城戰 (1944–1945)

敦刻爾克圍城戰第二次世界大戰期間的戰役。1944年9月,盟軍加拿大第2師英語2nd Canadian Division包圍敦刻爾克,圍城戰就此開始。圍城戰一直持續到第二次世界大戰歐洲戰場結束後才告終。要塞城市中的德軍部隊經受住了盟軍的試探性攻擊;由於打通安特衛普更為重要,英國第21集團軍群司令、元帥伯納德·蒙哥馬利決定讓捷克斯洛伐克第1裝甲旅英語1st Czechoslovak Independent Armoured Brigade控制住敦刻爾克的戰局,圍而不打。由海軍上將弗里德里希·弗里齊烏斯英語Friedrich Frisius指揮的敦刻爾克要塞最終在1945年5月9日向捷克斯洛伐克旅級集群英語Brigade group司令官、準將阿洛伊斯·利什卡英語Alois Liška無條件投降,此時是德國投降後的第二天。


  • Copp, Terry. Cinderella Army: The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944–1945. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2007 [2006]. ISBN 978-0-8020-9522-0. 
  • Copp, Terry. The Brigade: The Fifth Canadian Infantry Brigade in World War II pbk. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA. Harrisburg, PA: Fortress. 2007a [1992]. ISBN 978-0-8117-3422-6. 
  • Ellis, Major L. F.; et al. Butler, Sir James , 編. Victory in the West: The Defeat of Germany. History of the Second World War英語History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series II. Uckfield, UK: Naval & Military Press. 2004 [1968]. ISBN 978-1-84574-059-7. 
  • Hyrman, Jan. The port of Dunkirk in WWII. Naše Noviny. 2009 [13 November 2009]. (原始內容存檔於14 July 2011). 
  • Michalon, Roger. La Participation des Forces françaises de l'intérieur aux opérations des fronts de l'Atlantique et des Alpes et à la réorganisation de l'armée 1944–1945 [The Participation of the French Forces from the Interior in the Operations of the Atlantic and Alps Fronts and the Reorganization of the Army 1944–1945]. Les Grandes Unités Françaises VI. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale (Service historique de l'armée de terre). 1980. ISBN 978-2-86323-006-0. 
  • Monahan, J.W. The Containing of Dunkirk (PDF). Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-west Europe 1944. Part V: Clearing the Channel Ports, 3 Sep 44 – 6 Feb 45 (報告). CMHQ Reports (184) online (Historical Section, Canadian Military Headquarters). 1947 [29 October 2009]. OCLC 961860099. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於19 July 2011). 
  • Rohwer, Jürgen; Hümmelchen, Gerhard. Chronology of the War at Sea 1939–1945. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press. 1992. ISBN 978-1-55750-105-9. 
  • Stacey, Colonel C. P.; Bond, Major C. C. J. The Victory Campaign: The operations in North-West Europe 1944–1945 (PDF). Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War III. The Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery Ottawa. 1960 [26 January 2018]. OCLC 606015967. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於21 December 2020). 

