

木扎爾特達坂又稱為哈達木孜達坂 [2]中國新疆天山山脈的一個高山口[3]它連接着塔里木盆地的阿克蘇市和伊犁河上遊河谷的伊寧市。[1]位於伊犁昭蘇縣阿克蘇拜城縣的縣界。越過木扎爾特達坂的路線通常被中國人稱為夏特古道,[1] 夏特是在路線北邊的基地的鄉名,位在特克斯河谷。 夏特古道沿夏特河翻越木扎爾特達坂、木扎爾特冰川,沿木扎爾特河經過拜城縣瓊阿爾帕連到達終點溫宿縣博孜墩鄉破城子 。219國道正在延伸穿越天山有兩條路線正在調查中;天山西部較短的路線將穿木扎爾特冰川,連接昭蘇縣與塔里木盆地溫宿縣。天山東部較長的路線將沿烏孫古道,連接特克斯縣與塔里木盆地拜城縣。[4]

阿克蘇 拜城縣
坐標42°21′32″N 80°47′53″E / 42.359°N 80.798°E / 42.359; 80.798
木扎爾特達坂 (南疆)



英國探險家Henry_Lansdell英語Henry_Lansdell在 1800 年代後期穿越這條路線,他相信啟發中國經典西遊記的中國著名探險家玄奘在 7 世紀的印度之旅中曾使用過這座山口。[5] 然而,許多學者認為山口是別迭里山口[6]正如玄奘所描述的那樣,該達坂位於「跋祿迦國」 [7](阿克蘇)[8] 的西北。

清朝時期,這條達坂是南疆塔里木盆地與北疆伊犁將軍府的交通要道,具有重要的軍事戰略重要性。由於木扎爾特冰川的存在,清廷花費了大量的人力維護使這座達坂可以通行。[2][9]同治陝甘回亂期間,這項維護工作停止了,此路變得無法通行。大約在 1870 年起義期間,俄羅斯人控制了達坂,以阻止 阿古柏伊寧 推進,[10]為了保護俄國在中俄伊犁塔爾巴哈臺通商章程獲得的貿易利益。 1879 年左宗棠收復新疆後,俄羅斯帝國與清朝最初談判達成的里瓦幾亞條約。如果獲得批准,將把這座達坂連同伊犁河谷的大部分地區割讓給俄羅斯。在其他歐洲列強的支持下,該條約被重新談判,成為伊犁條約[11] 1907 年,未來的芬蘭總統古斯塔夫·曼納海姆俄羅斯帝國陸軍擔任情報官時經過這裏。[12]他的任務是確定俄羅斯帝國入侵中國的可行性。[13]


近年來,夏特溫泉,一個位於達坂北坡上的小村莊,已發展成為旅遊勝地。[1] ,並有旅遊團穿越部分古道。[16]





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Paul Knott; Bruce Normand. Untapped Potential, Exploring the Chinese Central Tien Shan. American Alpine Journal. 2009 [4 February 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-12). The historic Xiate Trail traverses the range from north to south. This was an important trade route from Ili over to the Muzart Gorge, and hence to the Aksu region and southern Xinjiang. The trail is notable for crossing glacial terrain and a high pass at 3,582 meters. ... A short drive from Zhaosu took us to the roadhead at Xiate Hot Springs (2,380m). ... the authorities are developing the Xiate Valley as a tourist center. A new concrete bridge and hotel are under construction at the hot springs and an upgrade of the access road is mostly complete. ... Above the pastures we followed a good trail over the Muzart Pass (3,582m) to a base camp at Hadamuzi (3,525m), a beautiful meadow overlooking the Muzart (Benzhaerte) Glacier directly opposite Baiyu Feng. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Journal of the Society of Arts. The Society. 1873: 321 [2022-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-11). Next, the Muzat Pass, leading between Aksu and Russian Kulja, lies over a formidable glacier, where I am assured that 40 men are kept at work in the summer roughing the ice for the passage of the caravans. 
  3. ^ Demetrius Charles Boulger, A Life of Yakub Beg, 1878, pages 7,12,61.
  4. ^ 李劍. 从北疆到南疆 219国道 如何穿越南天山?. 中國國家地理. 2021-10-18 [23 February 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-11). 經過勘察這條線路有兩個方案:西線走廊,昭蘇縣至溫宿縣,部分路線與夏特古道重合,里程445公里;東線走廊,特克斯縣至拜城縣,部分線路與烏孫古道重合,里程580公里。兩條線路都需要打隧道才能通過達坂,昭蘇至溫宿線需要長度16公里的隧道;特克斯至拜城線需要長度40—80公里的隧道,工程難度更大。 
  5. ^ Henry Lansdell. Chinese Central Asia: A Ride to Little Tibet. Scribner. 1894: 200,279 [2022-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-13). (p200) The third and shortest route was up the Tekes valley, and over the Muzart, or Ice Pass (p279) Over the Muz-Davan, or Ice Pass ... Hiuen Tsiang, my worthy and only predecessor of note in this portion of the Pas 
  6. ^ E.J. van Donzel; Andrea Schmidt. Gog and Magog in Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources: Sallam's Quest for Alexander's Wall. BRILL. 17 May 2010: 248–249 [2022-03-28]. ISBN 978-90-474-2762-9. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-11). Xuanzang could have attacked the mountain ... where the road to Kuldja leads to the 'Muzart Art' or Icy Pass ... Chavannes and Smith, however, are of the opinion that Xuanzang took the Bedel Pass. 
  7. ^ Xuanzang.   跋禄迦国. Great Tang Records on the Western Regions, 1 (中文). 
  8. ^ John E. Hill. Section 20 – The Kingdom of Suoche 莎车 (Yarkand).. Notes to The Western Regions according to the Hou Hanshu 2nd. Washington University. July 2003 [3 February 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-23). Neolithic artefacts from 5000 BC have been discovered in the Aksu area. By the first century BC news had reached the Chinese imperial court of the Kingdom of Baluka, one of the 36 kingdoms of the Western Regions. 
  9. ^ Arminius Vambery. The Tekes Valley and the Muzart Pass. Ocean Highways: The Geographical Record (N. Trübner and Company). 1874: 92–93 [2022-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-13). The road from Kuldja to Aksu cuts right across the Tekes valley, climbs the ridges of the Tien-shan, and sinks gradually down to Aksu. During the period of Chinese rule this was the main artery of communication between Ili district and Kashgar ... At the entrance of the so-called Muzart Pass the road turns on both sides of the Muzart brook. ... the Russians will take care to re-establish this road 
  10. ^ Hodong Kim. Holy War in China: The Muslim Rebellion and State in Chinese Central Asia, 1864-1877. Stanford University Press. 25 February 2004: 141 [2022-03-28]. ISBN 978-0-8047-6723-1. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-13). The Russian army took a preemptive measure by blocking the Muzart pass to cut the road from Kashgaria to Kulja. 
  11. ^ Jesse Wang. The Military Significance of the Sino-soviet Border in Central Asia (PDF). Army War College. 19 March 1971 [5 February 2020]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2020-02-05). In September 1879, Chinese Ambassador Chunghow had signed the Treaty of Livadia, by which the western, richer and larger part of the Ili valley area; the passes through the T'ien Shan, especially the Muzart Pass for the military road between Kuldja and Aksu; and five million rubles for occupation expenses were to be given to Russia. ... Much maneuvering took place among European powers who did not wish Russia to gain too much of an advantage in China. ... Russia and China went to the brink of a border war before Marquis Tseng Ki-tse (Tseng Chi-Tse), a replacement ambassador, negotiated the Treaty of St. Petersburg 
  12. ^ Eric Enno Tamm. The Horse that Leaps Through Clouds. Retracing Mannerheim's Journey Across Asia. Horse That Leaps Through Clouds. 2012 [4 February 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-30). Gustaf Mannerheim ventured northward to the foothills of the Tian Shan range. The Chief of the Russian General Staff had instructed him to conduct reconnaissance of the alpine passes and ethnic groups living in the shadow of the Tian Shan range. He left Kashgar on January 25, 1907 for a gruelling six-month trek that would bring him to Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang. ... Mannerheim made a hundred-kilometre trek across the Tian Shan range through the Muzart Pass 
  13. ^ Christopher Caldwell. Start to Finnish. Washington Examiner. 11 August 2017 [4 February 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-31). It was an 8,000-mile spying expedition. Russia was drawing up plans to invade China from the west—but failed to. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Peyrouse, Sébastien. Chinese Economic Presence in Kazakhstan. China Perspectives. 2008, 2008 (3): 34–49 [2022-03-28]. ISSN 2070-3449. doi:10.4000/chinaperspectives.4053. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-29). A sixth post, Narynkol-Muzart, located near the Kyrgyz border, which opened in 1992, has closed due to lack of traffic. 
  15. ^ 劉紅忠. 木扎尔特口岸. 新疆地方志. 1993-04-14 [4 February 2020]. ISSN 1004-1826. (原始內容存檔於2020-02-05) (中文). 木扎爾特口岸 ... 夏塔至南疆的公路打通後,南疆的貨物可由此出口。 
  16. ^ Road to paradise. China.org.cn. July 2, 2010 [4 February 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2011-01-25).