活的憲法(英語:Living Constitution)是有關憲法的一種主張,這一主張認為美國憲法和其他憲法具有動態含義,即使憲法本身沒有正式修改,其內含也應順應新形勢而做出調整和演變。憲法應隨着社會的需要而發展並為政府治理提供更為靈活的工具。該主張與解釋憲法時應顧及當今社會的觀點有關。[1]與之相對的主張是原典主義


  1. ^ Winkler, Adam. A Revolution Too Soon: Woman Suffragists and The "Living Constitution". 76 NYULR 1456, 1463 ("Based on the idea that society changes and evolves, living constitutionalism requires that constitutional controversies, in the words of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., "must be considered in the light of our whole experience and not merely in that of what was said a hundred years ago.")