
灰領工人通常擁有特定領域的專科學校技術學校英語Technical school的畢業證、副學士學位、證書或文憑。他們與藍領工人不同,藍領工人通常可以在剛開始工作的頭幾周內接受培訓,而灰領工人在入職前就已經擁有特定的技能,並且比藍領同行需要擁有更多的專業知識。


  1. ^ 高技能“灰领”越来越吃香. 
  2. ^ Sostek, Anya. It's not just blue or white collar anymore as consultants labels for new jobs to the pallette. 匹茲堡郵報. 2006-08-11 [2018-04-14]. (原始內容存檔於2018-04-14). The least defined term of all seems to be grey collar, which can refer to those working well into their 60s, because they can't afford to retire, or to an underemployed white collar worker, such as someone with a bachelor's degree in English literature working as a customer service representative. 
  3. ^ Business Groups Attack New York City's 'Lavish' Health Benefits. Workforce Management. 2009-12-18. (原始內容存檔於2011-07-18).