猶大山脈又稱猶大丘陵希伯來語הרי יהודה‎)、希伯倫山脈(阿拉伯語:تلال الخليل‎),是位於以色列約旦河西岸地區的一座山脈耶路撒冷希伯倫和其他幾座聖經裏面提到的城市均位於該山脈周邊。山脈的最高峰海拔為1,026米(3,366英尺)。[1]




  1. ^ Peter N. Peregrine, Melvin Ember (編). Encyclopedia of Prehistory: South and Southwest Asia 8. Springer. 2003-03-31 [2012-02-13]. ISBN 9780306462627. 
  2. ^ Brenner, Michael. A short history of the Jews. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 2010. ISBN 978-0-691-14351-4. OCLC 463855870. 
  3. ^ Legacy: a Genetic History of the Jewish People. Harry Ostrer. Oxford University Press USA. 2012 [2024-06-09]. ISBN 978-1-280-87519-9. OCLC 798209542. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-18). 
  4. ^ Adams, Hannah. The history of the Jews : from the destruction of Jerusalem to the present time. Sold at the London Society House and by Duncan and Malcom, and Wertheim. 1840 [2024-06-09]. OCLC 894671497. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-18).