里奇男孩(Ritchie Boys)[1]是一個美國特種部隊,由德國-奧地利裔美國軍事情報局軍官和二戰士兵組成,在馬里蘭州華盛頓縣的里奇營(Camp Ritchie)接受訓練。他們中的許多人是逃離納粹迫害的猶太人[2][3],由於對德國語言和文化的了解,他們主要在歐洲前線審訊囚犯和並從事反情報工作。此外,他們還作為檢察官和翻譯參與了紐倫堡審判[4]

Fort Ritchie
座標39°42′19.1″N 77°29′45.6″W / 39.705306°N 77.496000°W / 39.705306; -77.496000
歷任指揮官Colonel Butz



里奇男孩[1]由約15,200名軍人組成,他們中大約14%(2,200人)是出生在德國或奧地利的猶太難民,被安排到一起是因為他們能流利地使用德語、法語、意大利語、波蘭語或二戰期間美軍所需的其他語言。他們中有被徵召入伍的,也有自願加入的。參與該計劃的一些猶太難民最初抵達美國時還是兒童,許多人甚至沒有父母伴隨,即「One Thousand Children」。

他們在里奇營的軍事情報培訓中心(Military Intelligence Training Center)接受了培訓,這裏即後來的里奇堡(1998年關閉)[5]。他們接受了情報、反情報、審訊、調查和心理戰方面的訓練[1],其中900人還在賓夕法尼亞州夏普營(Camp Sharpe)參加了訓練。猶太難民比大多數美國出生的士兵更懂德語,也更了解德國人的心態和行為[6]。他們在前線工作,負責審訊、分析德國的軍人和計劃、削弱敵人的士氣。他們大部分都加入了美國陸軍反情報部隊(Counter Intelligence Corps)。









  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 John Patrick Finnegan, Military Intelligence, Center of Military History United States Army, Washington, D.C., 1998.. [2022-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-23).  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Finnegan」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Henderson, Bruce. Sons and Soldiers: The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned with the U.S. Army to Fight Hitler. New York: William Morrow. 2017 [2022-03-28]. ISBN 978-0062419095. OCLC 1014240736. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-20) (英語).  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Henderson」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  3. ^ Foy, David A. Intelligence in Literature and Media: Reviewed: Sons and Soldiers: The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned with the US Army to Fight Hitler. Studies in Intelligence (Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency). 2017-10-02, 61 (3) [12 May 2021]. (原始內容存檔於6 December 2017). 
  4. ^ Ritchie Boys: The secret U.S. unit bolstered by German-born Jews who helped the Allies beat Hitler. www.cbsnews.com. [2022-01-07]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-31) (美國英語). 
  5. ^ Fort Ritchie at Cascade. 5 July 2008 [12 May 2021]. (原始內容存檔於5 July 2008). Fort Ritchie is a new mixed-use development on a 591-acre former Army post in Cascade, Maryland. Corporate Office Properties Trust 
  6. ^ Kurt Frank Korf, quoted in Patricia Kollander, I Must be a Part of this War: A German American's Fight against Hitler and Nazism, Fordham University Press, 2005頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館ISBN 0-8232-2528-3; p. 109.
  7. ^ Gilbert, James L., John P. Finnegan and Ann Bray. In the Shadow of the Sphynx: A History of Army Counterintelligence頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館, History Office, Office of Strategic Management and Information, US Army Intelligence and Security Command, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Dec 2005; p. 33. ISBN 1234461366
  8. ^ Fine, Sabrina. Holocaust refugee turned American Soldier never forgot the horrors he witnessed. 502nd Air Base Wing, Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston (United States Air Force). April 17, 2020 [12 May 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-12). My friend and comrade Fred Howard found that the German soldiers were afraid beyond everything else of landing in Russian captivity,」 Stern said. 「We played on that fear by telling the enemy soldiers that we had orders to turn them over to the Russians if they did not cooperate. We got vital info for our Air Force that way. I disguised myself as a Soviet commissar and liaison officer. I donned a Russian uniform for that purpose; Fred played a soft-hearted American. 
  9. ^ Holocaust Memorial Center Hosts 'The Ritchie Boys' Exhibit. CBS Detroit. 23 July 2011 [31 August 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-28). 

