魚類智力是指魚類的大腦記憶以及處理信息的能力[1]。根據麥覺理大學的Culum Brown的說法,魚其實很聰明,這方面超出了人們的預期。在許多領域,如記憶,它們的認知能力與包括非人類靈長類在內的高等脊椎動物旗鼓相當,甚至還能超越它們[2]





  1. ^ Humphreys, L.G. The construct of general intelligence. Intelligence. 1979, 3 (2): 105–120. doi:10.1016/0160-2896(79)90009-6. 
  2. ^ Brown, Culum (2004) Animal minds: Not just a pretty face頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館New scientist, 2451: 42-43.
  3. ^ Reebs, S.G. (2008) Long-term memory in fishes頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  4. ^ Beukema, J.J. (1970). Angling experiments with carp: decreased catchability through one trial learning. Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 20: 81–92.
  5. ^ Beukema, J.J. & Vos, G.J. (1974). Experimental tests of a basic assumption of the capture-recapture method in pond populations of carp Cyprinus carpio L.. Journal of Fish Biology, 6(3): 317.
  6. ^ Raat, A.J.P. (1985). Analysis of angling vulnerability of common carp, Cyprinus carp /0 L., in catch-and-release angling in ponds. Aquaculture Research, 16(2): 171-187.
  7. ^ Czanyi, V. & Doka, A. (1993). Learning interactions between prey and predator fish. Marine Behavior and Physiology, 23: 63–78.