



  • 卡爾·大衛斯(Karl Davis),25歲,非裔美國時裝設計師,肺炎。[5]
  • 邁克爾·戈弗(Michael Gover),73歲,英國演員(倖存者)。
  • John E. Kerrigan,78歲,美國政治家,波士頓代理市長,馬薩諸塞州州長,心臟驟停。[6]
  • Harold K. Schneider,61-62歲,美國經濟人類學家,手術併發症。[7]
  • 威廉·約瑟夫·卡西,74歲,美國中央情報局局長,腦瘤。[21]
  • Muhammadullah Hafezzi,91-92歲,孟加拉國政治家和伊斯蘭領袖。
  • Karel Plicka,92歲,捷克斯洛伐克攝影師、電影導演和電影攝影師。
  • 大衛·韋茨曼,88歲,英國政治家。[22]
  • Obafemi Awolowo,78歲,尼日利亞民族主義者和政治家,尼日利亞西部總理。[34]
  • 吉米·克魯格(Jimmy Kruger),69歲,南非律師和政治家,參議院議長。[35]
  • 諾埃爾·默裏斯,77歲,英國賽馬訓練師。[36]
  • John M. Schiff,82歲,美國投資銀行家,Kuhn, Loeb & Co.合夥人,美國童軍全國主席。[37]
  • 維克多·費爾德曼(Victor Feldman),53歲,英國爵士音樂家,心臟病發作。[41]
  • Chinn Ho,83歲,夏威夷企業家和商人,檀香山星公報(Honolulu Star-Bulletin)的擁有者,心力衰竭。[42]
  • Ion Pistol,40歲,羅馬尼亞被定罪的殺人犯,被處決。
  • 諾拉·魯巴索娃(Nora Rubashova),78歲,白俄羅斯天主教修女。[43]
  • 羅伯特·特林博爾,56歲,澳大利亞商人,毒梟和有組織犯罪人物,心臟病發作。[44]
  • Michel Van Wijnendaele,27-28歲,比利時大屠殺犯,槍殺。[45]
  • Signe Amundsen,87歲,挪威女高音。
  • F. R. Crawley,75歲,加拿大電影製片人、電影攝影師和導演。
  • 理查·埃爾曼(Richard Ellmann),69歲,美國文學評論家和愛爾蘭作家傳記作家,運動神經元疾病。[46]
  • 菲爾·摩爾(Phil Moore),69歲,美國爵士鋼琴家、編曲家和樂隊領隊。[47]
  • 伊斯梅爾·里維拉(Ismael Rivera),55歲,波多黎各作曲家和薩爾薩歌手,心臟病發作。
  • 福布斯·羅賓遜(Forbes Robinson),60歲,英國貝斯。
  • 艾莉·溫特,88歲,德國共產黨員和著名的政治活動家。
  • Wynne Gibson,88歲,美國女演員,腦血栓形成。[51]
  • 雷諾·詹森(Raynor Johnson),86歲,英裔澳大利亞超心理學家,物理學家和作家。[52]
  • Kalyanakit Kitiyakara,57歲,泰國心胸外科醫生。[53]
  • Máire MacNeill,82歲,愛爾蘭記者、民俗學家和翻譯家。[54]
  • 巴里·曼納基(Barry Mannakee),39歲,英國皇家保護隊警官,威爾斯王妃戴安娜的保鏢,交通事故。[55]
  • L. G. Pine,79歲,英國作家,講師和家譜、貴族、歷史、紋章和動物福利研究員。
  • Lionel Van Praag,78歲,澳大利亞摩托車賽道冠軍。[56]
  • 萊昂內爾·庫珀(Lionel Cooper),65歲,澳大利亞國際欖球聯盟足球運動員(澳大利亞、哈德斯菲爾德)。[57]
  • 弗蘭克·梅伯恩(Frank Mayborn),83歲,美國報紙編輯、出版商和廣播員。[58]
  • Ronnie Shakes,40歲,美國脫口秀喜劇演員,心臟病發作。
  • 邁克爾·伍德,69歲,英國醫生,癌症。[59]
  • 馬赫迪·阿梅爾(Mahdi Amel),51歲,黎巴嫩馬克思主義哲學家和激進分子,被暗殺。
  • Heðin Brú,86歲,法羅群島小說家和翻譯家。[63]
  • 侯賽因·法杜斯特(Hossein Fardoust),70歲,伊朗軍官,薩瓦克副負責人,心臟病發作。[64]
  • Santo Mazzarino,71歲,意大利歷史學家。
  • 陳惠珍,62歲,中國出生的馬來西亞歌舞表演者。
  • 阿爾文·杜克·錢德勒,84歲,美國海軍軍官,威廉瑪麗學院院長。[94]
  • Paul Rimstead,51-52歲,加拿大記者(多倫多太陽報),出血。[95]
  • Arthur M. Sackler,73歲,美國精神病學家和藥品行銷商,心臟病發作。[96]
  • 羅伯特·威爾金斯(Robert Wilkins),91歲,美國鄉村藍調結他手和歌手。
  • Ajita Wilson,37歲,美國跨性別女演員,腦出血。
  • Jean Delay,79歲,法國精神病學家、神經學家和作家。[105]
  • Vettam Mani,65歲,印度學者和作家。
  • 查蘭·辛格,84歲,印度總理,心血管衰竭。[106]
  • 菲利斯·泰特(Phyllis Tate),76歲,英國作曲家。


  • 桑尼·哈內特(Sunny Harnett),63歲,美國模特和女演員,在火災中受傷。
  • 印度空軍準尉Dev Raj Singh Thakur殺死了殺害聖雄甘地的兇手。[120]


  1. ^ Bobo Holloman. Society for American Baseball Research. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  2. ^ Antonio Won Pat, 73, Dies; Guam Delegate to Congress . The New York Times. 3 May 1987: 1 44 [3 May 2024]. 
  3. ^ Dick Surhoff obituary. Newspapers.com (The Journal News). Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  4. ^ James William Sutherland Jr. (1918–1987). University of Arkansas. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  5. ^ Karl Davis, 25, Dies; A Designer of Fashions . The New York Times. 5 May 1987: D 30 [3 May 2024]. 
  6. ^ John E. Kerrigan Dies; Former Boston Official . The New York Times. 4 May 1987: B 12 [3 May 2024]. 
  7. ^ Harold K. Schneider (1925-1987). JSTOR (American Anthropologist). Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  8. ^ Dalida . The New York Times. 5 May 1987: D 30 [3 May 2024]. 
  9. ^ Irish Dowager Duchess Dies in Car Crash Near Belfast. L.A. Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  10. ^ Jon Pareles. Oaul Butterfield, Whose Band Added Chicago Blue to Rock . The New York Times. 6 May 1987: B 11 [3 May 2024]. 
  11. ^ Won Emmy for Role in 'Soap' . The New York Times. 7 May 1987: B 20 [3 May 2024]. 
  12. ^ Paul Groesse . The New York Times. 7 May 1987: B 20 [3 May 2024]. 
  13. ^ Khalilullah Khalili Dies at 79; Afghan Poet and Ex-Official . The New York Times. 14 May 1987: D 26 [26 April 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2011-03-10). 
  14. ^ Jeleński, Konstanty A. (Konstanty Aleksander), 1922-1987. Archives at Yale. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  15. ^ Killing of a Journalist at his Office Shocks Japan. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  16. ^ Headed Store Group that has Harrods . The New York Times. 6 May 1987: B 11 [3 May 2024]. 
  17. ^ Cockleshell Hero 『Blondie’ Hasler honoured in his hometown. Royal Navy. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  18. ^ Gravestone: Allen Jones 5.5.87. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  19. ^ Britisher Called Greatest Spitfire Pilot : WWII Ace Robert Stanford-Tuck. L.A. Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  20. ^ Phil Woolpert Is Cancer Victim at 71; Coached USF to Pair of NCAA Titles. L.A. Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  21. ^ Eric Pace. William Casey, Ex-C.I.A. Head, is Dead at 74 . The New York Times. 7 May 1987: A 1 [3 May 2024]. 
  22. ^ Mr David Weitzman. The Times (62763). 8 May 1987: 16. 
  23. ^ Boom-Boom Beck #15. MLB.com. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  24. ^ Wilborn Hampton. A Favorite Figure in Britain . The New York Times. 9 May 1987: 1 12 [3 May 2024]. 
  25. ^ McKinney Dies of Illness Tied to AIDS. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  26. ^ PAUL POPHAM, 45, A Founder of AIDS Organization, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
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  29. ^ Dr. Sidney Cohen, 76, Dead: Studied Mood-Altering Drugs . The New York Times. 17 May 1987: 1 40 [3 May 2024]. 
  30. ^ Alberta Gay, 74, Dies; Mother of Soul Singer. L.A. Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
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  33. ^ McDonald, Henry. True tale of IRA 'martyrs' revealed. The Guardian. 29 September 2002 [3 May 2024]. 
  34. ^ Chief Obafemi Awolowo Dies; A Nigeria Nationalist Leader . The New York Times. 11 May 1987: D 11 [3 May 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-03). 
  35. ^ J.T. Kruger, Quelled Soweto Riot. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  36. ^ Murless, Sir (Charles Francis) Noel. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  37. ^ William G. Blair. John Schiff, A Philanthropist and Investment Banker, Dies . The New York Times. 10 May 1987: 1 30 [3 May 2024]. 
  38. ^ Sadamichi Hirasawa Is Dead; Was on Death Row 32 Years . The New York Times. 11 May 1987: D 11 [3 May 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-27). 
  39. ^ Devas, Nicolette. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  40. ^ James Angleton, Counterintelligence Figure, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  41. ^ British-Born Jazz Prodigy Victor Feldman Dies. L.A. Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  42. ^ Wallace Turner. Chinn Ho, 83, A Major Figure in Success of Hawaii's Asians . The New York Times. 14 May 1987: D 26 [3 May 2024]. 
  43. ^ Biography of Nora Rubashova (Sister Catherine of Siena, OP). University of Notre Dame. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  44. ^ Robert Trimbole (1931–1987). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  45. ^ Gunman Kills 7 in Belgium. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  46. ^ Walter Goodman. Eminent James Joyce Scholar . The New York Times. 14 May 1987: D 26 [3 May 2024]. 
  47. ^ Phil Moore . The New York Times. 19 May 1987: D 30 [3 May 2024]. 
  48. ^ Albin Krebs. Rita Hayworth, Movie Legend, Dies . The New York Times. 16 May 1987: 1 10 [3 May 2024]. 
  49. ^ Jan and Johana Lipke. Yad Vashem (year of death only). Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  50. ^ Names in the News - May 15, 1987. L.A. Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  51. ^ Wynne Gibson Is Dead; Stage and Film Actress . The New York Times. 21 May 1987: B 14 [3 May 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-03). 
  52. ^ Raynor Carey Johnson (1901–1987). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  53. ^ Kitiyakara, Kalyanakit (1929 - 1987). Royal College of Surgeons of England. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  54. ^ MacNeill, Máire. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  55. ^ Revealed: The truth behind the 'mystery car' conspiracy theory in Diana bodyguard death. Independent. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  56. ^ Lionel Maurice (Van) Van Praag (1908–1987). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  57. ^ Lionel Cooper. Rugby League Project. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  58. ^ Veteran newsman dies Frank Mayborn. Newspapers.com (The Galveston Daily News). Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  59. ^ Dr. Michael Wood, A Founder of East Africa Flying Doctors. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
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  61. ^ Gunnar Myrdal, Analyst of Race Crisis, Dies . The New York Times. 18 May 1987: A 1 [3 May 2024]. 
  62. ^ Joan Cook. Dudley C. Sharp, Executive and Ex-Air Force Secretary . The New York Times. 19 May 1987: D 30 [3 May 2024]. 
  63. ^ Hedin Brú. Britannica. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
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  65. ^ James E. Chase . The New York Times. 23 May 1987: 1 32 [3 May 2024]. 
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  67. ^ Writer Kills Mate, Herself in Death Pact Alice Sheldon Wrote as James Tiptree Jr.. source. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  68. ^ Remembering Stanisław Szukalski: A Colorful Figure in Polish Art History. Polish Museum of America. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  69. ^ Writer Kills Mate, Herself in Death Pact Alice Sheldon Wrote as James Tiptree Jr.. source. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  70. ^ Bishop William F. Creighton Dies. Washington Post. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  71. ^ Harvey Goldberg . The New York Times. 24 May 1987: 1 28 [3 May 2024]. 
  72. ^ Albert Scardino. Herbert Jacobs, 30's Reporter Who Reshaped Architecture . The New York Times. 27 May 1987: B 8 [3 May 2024]. 
  73. ^ Executioners Tell Their Story. ABC News. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  74. ^ George Shibata. West-Point. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  75. ^ Bittersweet Homecoming for Ma Sicong. china.org.cn. Retrieved 29 Jul 2024.
  76. ^ Edward Hudson. Consumer Leader . The New York Times. 21 May 1987: B 14 [3 May 2024]. 
  77. ^ Archie Carr, Zoologist, Dies; Devoted Career to Sea Turtle. New York Times. Retrieved 30 Jul 2024.
  78. ^ The Rev. Finis Alonzo Crutchfield Jr., 70. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved 30 Jul 2024.
  79. ^ Alejandro Rey Is Dead; A Film and a TV Actor . The New York Times. 24 May 1987: 1 28 [3 May 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2023-10-06). 
  80. ^ Belton, Paddy. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 30 Jul 2024.
  81. ^ Thalidomide: how men who blighted lives of thousands evaded justice. The Guardian (year of death only). Retrieved 30 Jul 2024.
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  83. ^ Winston Williams. James J. Delaney, 86, A Democrat and Former Queens Congressman . The New York Times. 25 May 1987: 1 37 [3 May 2024]. 
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  85. ^ Siegmund Klein . The New York Times. 28 May 1987: D 23 [3 May 2024]. 
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  87. ^ Charley Brock. Green Bay Packers. Retrieved 30 Jul 2024.
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  89. ^ Campbell, Hugh Lester. Royal Canadian Air Force Association. Retrieved 30 Jul 2024.
  90. ^ Peter Coe, Theater Director; Staged 'Oliver' on Broadway. New York Times. Retrieved 30 Jul 2024.
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