用戶:Addis-Bot/20140530/List of airports in Afghanistan

This is a list of airports in Afghanistan, grouped by type and sorted by location.

Afghanistan has 5 international airports which is expected to increase to five by the end of 2014. The Kabul International Airport serves the population of Kabul and the surrounding areas, Kandahar International Airport serves the southern parts of the country, Herat International Airport serves the population of western Afghanistan, and Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi International Airport in Mazar-i-Sharif serves the population of northern Afghanistan.

Once the Ghazni International Airport is completed it will serve the population of the Ghazni and the eastern parts of the country. There are also about 16 regional domestic airports which are spread over the country in various provinces, which serve the smaller, more remote areas. Some of these airports have gravelled airside facilities and operate under visual flight rules. Template:Inc-transport

Airports across Afghanistan

City served Province ICAO IATA Airport name Runway Elev. (m)
 International airports
Kabul Kabul OAKB KBL Kabul International Airport 11/29: 3500 × 50 m, Concrete 1789
Kandahar Kandahar OAKN KDH Kandahar International Airport 05/23: 3200 × 45 m, Asphalt 1015
Herat Herat OAHR HEA Herat International Airport 01/19: 2571 × 46 m, Asphalt 1004
Mazar-i-Sharif Balkh OAMS MZR Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi International Airport 06/24: 3272 × 46 m, Asphalt 391
 Major domestic airports
Ghazni Ghazni OAGN GZI Ghazni Airport 15/33: 604 x 42, GRASS, being expanded 2183
Jalalabad Nangarhar OAJL JAA Jalalabad Airport 13/31: 2218 × 45 m, Asphalt 553
Kunduz Kunduz OAUZ UND Kunduz Airport 11/29: 2007 × 45 m, Asphalt 448
 Regional domestic airports
Bamyan Bamyan OABN BIN Bamyan Airport 07/25: 2595 × 23 m, Gravel 2591
Lashkar Gah (Bost) Helmand OABT BST Bost Airport 18/36: 2332 × 45 m, Asphalt 751
Chaghcharan Ghor OACC CCN Chaghcharan Airport 06/24: 1524 × 18 m, Gravel 2276
Darwaz Badakhshan OADZ DAZ Darwaz Airport 09/27: 654 × 32 m, Gravel 1533
Farah Farah OAFR FAH Farah Airport 15/33: 2042 × 21 m, Gravel 692
Khost Khost OAKS KHT Khost Airfield 06/24: 2684 × 105 m, Gravel 1172
Fayzabad Badakhshan OAFZ FBD Fayzabad Airport 18/36: 1691 × 27 m, PSP 1171
Khwahan Badakhshan OAHN KWH Khwahan Airport ??/??: 671 × ? m, Gravel 980
Kron Monjan Badakhshan OARZ KUR Razer Airport 08/26: 884 × 31 m, Gravel 2520
Maymana Faryab OAMN MMZ Maymana Airport 14/32: 1287 × 18 m, Gravel 820
Nili Daykundi OANL ? Nili Airport[1] ? ?
Qala i Naw Badghis OAQN LQN Qala i Naw Airport 04/22: 1158 × 18 m, Asphalt 905
Sheberghan Jowzjan OASG Sheberghan Airfield 06L/24R: 2621 × 24, Asphalt
06R/24L: 2115 × 30, Gravel
Sheghnan Badakhshan OASN SGA Sheghnan Airport 16/34: 803 × 30 m, Gravel 2042
Taloqan Takhar OATQ TQN Taloqan Airport 16/34: 1574 × 35 m, Gravel 816
Tarin Kowt Urozgan OATN TII Tarin Kowt Airport 10/28: 1658 × 61 m, Gravel 1350
Zaranj Nimruz OAZJ ZAJ Zaranj Airport 16/34: 2320 × 47 m, Gravel 479
Sardeh Band Ghazni OADS SBF Sardeh Band Airport 02/20: 2104 m, Gravel 2125
 Military airports
Bagram Parwan OAIX OA1 Bagram Air Base 03/21: 3003 × 55 m, Concrete 1492
Shindand Herat OASD OA2 Shindand Air Base 18/36: 2786 × 49 m, Concrete 1150
Bastion Helmand OAZI OAZ Camp Bastion 01/19: 3500 × 46 m, Concrete/Asphalt 889
 Small local airports
Eshkashem Badakhshan OAEM Eshkashem Airport 14/32: 896 x 21, ASPHALT 2620
Ghaziabad Nangarhar OAGA Ghaziabad Airport 07/25: 610 x 36, DIRT 510
Gardez Paktya OAGZ GRG Gardez Airport 03/21: 1743 x 23, GRASS 2350
Muqur Ghazni OAMK Muqur Airport 03/21: 1265 x 35, GRASS 2012
Panjab Bamyan OAPJ Panjab Airport 03/21: 594 x 31, DIRT 2710
Sharana Paktika OASA Sharana Airstrip 14/32: 1594 x 24, ASPHALT 689
Taywara Ghor OATW Taywara Airport 18/36: 582 x 44, GRASS 2246
Yangi Qaleh Takhar OAYQ Yangi Qaleh Airport 03/21: 610 x 35, GRASS 810
Yawan Badakhshan OAYW Yawan Airport 05/23: 567 x 28, GRASS 1721

See also


