
Goal: I propose that there is no difference between 'official' canon of wiki page vs. User space wiki page. And if one agrees with me, it seems we can start ordering pages according to 'editorial' branding under User space, instead of a 'flat' official structures. Category Templates are FAR more important for subject matter experts to do it RIGHT, so that all pages 'hanging' from certain categories make layman's sense. The expansion of wikipedia domains ought not to be viewed or in effect a dilution of 'quality' contents. I so hope that my contribution stay relevant in this influx of too much information, not much restoring order within IoT.

Methods: Authoritarianism, Language Interoperability

Date: 3 March 2017 - 4 July 2018

[ https://www.researchgate.net/project/reformation-on-wikipediaorg-editors-at-large]