用戶:BnW.h/沙盒/El Marino

El Marino
El Marino
First edition of El Marino, dated 14 January 1917
類型Daily newspaper
版式Tabloid (1917)
Online newspaper (2013–present)
持有者Diego Grez Cañete
創辦者Augusto Ramírez Olivares
出版商Imprenta de El Marino (1917)
編輯Diego Grez Cañete
創刊日1917年1月14日 (1917-01-14) (print)
2013年4月30日 (2013-04-30) (online, as Memoria Pichilemina)
停刊日15 March 1917 (print)
總部Pichilemu, Chile
發行量Pichilemu, Chile (print edition)
Cardenal Caro province (online edition)

El Marino (the marine, in Spanish) is a Chilean daily online newspaper, based in Pichilemu, Cardenal Caro province. It was founded on 14 January 1917 by newspaper editor Augusto Ramírez Olivares, and circulated between January and March 1917.

During its time as a print publication, El Marino attempted to convince authorities to provide drinking water to the commune of Pichilemu, and once suggested it to be extracted from a local lake, del Perro. It also documented the visits of prominent Chilean doctors, including Carlos Charlín Correa, who would later become the rector of the University of Chile in 1927. The newspaper also documented the plans of President Juan Luis Sanfuentes to visit Pichilemu. Despite its popularity, El Marino ceased its circulation as Ramírez moved back to San Fernando, his hometown, where he resumed publications of La Provincia, a newspaper he founded in 1903.

The newspaper re-emerged as an online publication on 30 April 2013, under the name of Memoria Pichilemina. Although it originally hosted local historical documents, in June 2014 it became a news site. Memoria was closed in September 2014; however, it restarted its publications in early October 2014, as El Marino.


First number of El Puerto, dated 16 January 1908

Augusto Ramírez Olivares, who would later become the founder of El Marino, was born in 1873, in the town of Corcolén, currently part of the commune of Malloa, to José Agustín Ramírez Arriagada (1847–?) and Juana Olivarez Quinteros (1847–1883). He was the fourth of seven children; in order of birth date, Alejandro, Arturo, Abrahám, Aliro, Abel, and Ambrosina. His father was the owner of a farm in Roma, San Fernando, and several houses in that city and Pichilemu. Ramírez Olivares married Rosa Camilo Ugarte on 8 September 1885, in the city of San Fernando. The couple had four children: Augusto (who would later go on to become the Chilean Viceconsul to El Salvador), Rosa, Eva and Miguel.[1]

He founded several newspapers in the province of Colchagua, during the early XX-century. These include La Unión of Santa Cruz, published between 1900 and 1905,[2] and La Provincia in San Fernando, published for thirteen years, between 1903 and 1916.[3]

In early 1908, Ramírez founded the first newspaper of Pichilemu, which he named El Puerto, and whose first edition appeared on 16 January 1908.[4][5][6] El Puerto was originally announced as a biweekly ("published on Thursdays and Sundays"), regionalist newspaper, with editor Augusto Ramírez Olivares stating in an article named Nuestra palabra (Our word) that "today [16 January 1908] we comply with our promise to create this journalistic paper, absolute and exclusive organ to the regional interests of Colchagua, especially [those] of the port of Pichilemu."[n 1][7] Ramírez also stated that "against general customs in all new publications, we are not making here a description of our program of work: facts will prove our participation in the struggle for progress."[n 2][7][8]

El Puerto published poems, a scientific section by collaborator physician Rodríguez Aguirre, and sections of obituaries, chronicles, social life,[9] and sensationalist articles,.[10] However, it only survived until March 1908,[1] and just two editions of the newspaper are preserved in the National Library of Chile;[6] at least three editions were published.[11][12]

After abandoning El Puerto, Ramírez continued to publish La Provincia in San Fernando and,[11] in later years, published El Progreso in Chimbarongo, between February and December 1916,[13] before founding El Marino in Pichilemu.

El Marino documented the plans of President Juan Luis Sanfuentes to visit Pichilemu, in January 1917

El Marino first appeared in Pichilemu on 14 January 1917.[14] In an article named Nuestra primera palabra ("Our first word"), Ramírez wrote that the newspaper was published "with the purpose of fulfilling a local necessity of the [summer] season", adding that "the resort of Pichilemu already needs a bulletin to serve as the bond of the thoughts of tourists who favor this beach with their presence".[n 3] El Marino was printed in a press owned by Ramírez, located in Pichilemu, with paper of "very modest" quality.[15] In El Marino's third edition, published on 21 January 1917, editor Augusto Ramírez wrote that, although he thought the newspaper would be a "failure", it was instead "favored with the applause (support) of distinguished people".[n 4][16]

Newspapers from San Fernando gave their "good luck wishes" to the Pichilemu daily as it started publications; among these were La Opinión[17] and La Provincia, which stated that El Marino was "very well received" in Pichilemu, adding that "their social informations, its articles, its great typograhpical presentation, has earned it sincere congratulations".[n 5][18]

The newspaper published, in almost every edition, a Vida social ("Social life") section, which included names of local hotel guests. Among the people mentioned in the Vida social section were doctors Eugenio Díaz Lira, Gregorio Amunátegui, Carlos Charlín Correa (also the rector of the University of Chile in 1927),[19] senator Ismael Valdés Valdés,[20] and deputy Jorge Errázuriz Tagle.[21] It also documented the plans of President Juan Luis Sanfuentes to visit Pichilemu.[22]

El Marino also started a campaign for authorities to provide drinking water to Pichilemu; for example, in March 1917, it suggested water to be extracted from the Laguna del Perro (Del Perro Lake), "which contains a [great] quantity of accumulated water and [well over the altitude of] this town [of Pichilemu]",[n 6] asking for the Intendency of Colchagua to study the situation. "These things of public interest, in favor of the salubrity of a town with such a great future, need the dispassionate attention of the public powers",[n 7] said an article written on the topic.[20]

Despite its popularity, El Marino ceased its publications on 15 March 1917. An article titled Fin de la jornada ("End of the journey") stated that "we are going out with the satisfaction of having obtained a greater result than we expected",[n 8] adding that "Pichilemu needs the campaign in favor of the drinking water to be continued".[n 9] Editor Augusto Ramírez resumed the publication of La Provincia in May 1917. Despite El Marino announced it would return on the next summer season, in 1918, it did not appear again in print format.[23] In fact, no other newspapers were published in Pichilemu until January 1944, when Pichilemu was founded by future Mayor Carlos Rojas Pavez, writer José Arraño Acevedo and municipal secretary Miguel Larravide Blanco.[24]

Online newspaper (2013–present)


Memoria Pichilemina (2013–14)

Screenshot of the main page of Memoria in August 2014

On 30 April 2013,[25] Diego Grez Cañete, long-time resident of Pichilemu and a history student at the University of Chile, founded Memoria Pichilemina.[26] In May 2014, he stated in an interview with newspaper La Voz de la Región that the website was originally conceived to "bring people information and analysis of history, with their respective sources, something meant to be direct and reachable by most of the [local] population",[n 10] and was a "desperate attempt to rescue" the identity of the city.[n 11] Local newspaper La Voz de la Región qualified Memoria Pichilemina as a "convergence space between young people and adults willing to learn about the place they live in".[n 12][26]

Common sources of information published on Memoria Pichilemina during its time as a "historic repository" were the Biblioteca Nacional de Chile and the libraries of the University of Chile. The website also published digitized versions of historic newspapers El Puerto (1908), El Marino (name the website would later adopt), Pichilemu, among others.[26]

Despite its status as a "historic repository", Memoria Pichilemina started a campaign in social networks against puntillazos, illegal beach parties held at La Puntilla beach in Pichilemu, Chile. The website managed to collect 800 signatures of supporters, and published an open letter to local authorities demanding action on the illegal parties.[27] #NoMásPuntillazos ("#NoMorePuntillazos"), as the campaign was dubbed, was covered in several media outlets, including Santiago-based television channel Chilevisión,[28] national online newspaper El Dínamo,[29] El Cóndor of Santa Cruz,[30] regional newspaper El Rancagüino,[31] and local newspapers El Faro del Secano,[32] and El Expreso de la Costa.[33]

On 13 May 2014, Memoria Pichilemina published an online-only edition of El Marino, which contained several local history articles,[25] covering the life of Augusto Ramírez Olivares, José María Caro Martínez —the first Mayor of Pichilemu—, the history of the local railway station, the municipal government of Mayor Carlos Rojas Pavez, an homage to former Governor of Cardenal Caro province Hernán Vieira Herrera, and a photoessay on the 2013–14 summer in Pichilemu.[34]

In June 2014, Memoria Pichilemina was turned into a news website,[35] and had removed all its non-original content.[36] Among its sections were En un día como hoy ("In a day like today"), Fue ayer ("It was yesterday"), Me gusta Pichilemu ("I like Pichilemu"), Memoria Musical ("Musical Memoir", with collaborations of local folklorist Pedro Pablo Pavez Caro and other musicians),[37] Memorias de un Hijo Ilustre de Pichilemu ("Memoirs of an Illustrious Son of Pichilemu", with collaborations by Jorge Aravena Llanca, a former Free University of Berlin academician),[38] Minibiografías ("Minibiographies"), Ud. sabe ("You know", with collaborations of Antonio Saldías González —under the pen name Don Antonio de Petrel—, a local historian), among others.[39]

However, on 23 September 2014, Memoria Pichilemina "ceased its publications indefinitely" on "financial grounds mainly".[n 13] "We hope to be back sooner than later. We hope so, that we can keep on making a [cultural] contribution to the people of our Cardenal Caro province, so vilified and despised in this thankless region", said a farewell notice written by the newspaper editor.[n 14][40]

El Marino (2014–present)

Former regidor of Pichilemu, Mario Moraga, is a current collaborator of El Marino

On 6 October 2014, El Marino was launched as an online newspaper, as the "continuation of the news section of website Memoria Pichilemina", which was announced to "return to its initial purpose, to serve as a repository of historic documents".[n 15] It defined itself as a "totally independent", "pluralistic" news source, "responding to the people's desire for accurate information". "This newspaper will always defend justice and truth, giving no importance to influences or pressures", said an article named ¡"El Marino" está de vuelta tras 97 años! ("'El Marino' is back after 97 years!"). El Marino also incorporated news archives of several local newspapers, including El Cometa of Paredones, El Puerto, Pichilemu, La Voz del Congreso, all of Pichilemu, El Progreso of Matanzas —in the current commune of Navidad—, among others.[35]

It retained the sections of Memoria, and included another named La columna de Sin Pelos en la Lengua ("The column of the Outspoken one"), written by former Christian Democrat regidor of Pichilemu, Mario Moraga Cáceres.[41] El Marino also featured interviews with mayor of Pichilemu Roberto Córdova Carreño,[42] and President of the Commerce Chamber of Pichilemu Fidel Valenzuela González.[43]

See also

  1. ^ Original Spanish quote: "[...] cumplimos hoi nuestra promesa de dar a luz esta hoja periodística, órgano, absoluta i esclusivamente, de los intereses rejionales de Colchagua, especialmente del puerto de Pichilemu."
  2. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Contra la costumbre jeneral en toda publicación nueva, no hacemos aquí una descripcion de nuestro programa de trabajo: los hechos comprobarán nuestra participacion en las luchas por el progreso."
  3. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Presentamos hoi esta pequeña hoja periodística, con la pretencion de llenar una necesidad local de temporada. El balneario de Pichilemu necesita ya de un boletin que sirva de lazo de union del pensamiento entre los veraneantes que favorecen con su presencia esta playa."
  4. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Verdaderamente, cuando se nos ocurrió la idea de editar esta hojita diaria, sentíamos cierto desaliento i presentíamos un fracaso, acostumbrados a oir elojios solo para las grandes empresas; pero estábamos equivocados; Nuestra modesta obra ha sido favorecida con el aplauso de distinguidas personas a las cuales le agradecemos mui deveras sus conceptos tan honrosos para este diarito i su director."
  5. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Mui bien recibida ha sido la hojita diaria, que por la temporada veraniega, saldrá a luz en el balneario Pichilemu. Sus informaciones sociales, sus artículos; su buena presentación tipográfica, le han merecido sinceras felicitaciones. Basta recordar que, tratándose de la conocida pluma de su director don Augusto Ramirez, eso solo le sirve de recomendacion a su favor; pues este viejo periodista lleva cerca de treinta años de continua labor. Le deseamos éxito."
  6. ^ Original Spanish quote: "[...] trayéndola de la Laguna del Perro, que tiene una encima cantidad de agua acumulada i que se halla a gran altura sobre el nivel de este pueblo."
  7. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Estas cosas de interés público, en pro de la salubridad de un pueblo de inmenso porvenir como este, necesitan la atencion desapasionada de los poderes públicos."
  8. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Llevamos la satisfaccion de haber obtenido un resultado superior a nuestras aspiraciones".
  9. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Pero Pichilemu necesita que la campaña en pro del agua potable se continue".
  10. ^ Original Spanish quote: "(...) estos sitios brindarían a la gente, información y análisis de la información con sus respectivas fuentes; algo directo y al alcance de gran parte de la población".
  11. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Entonces, lo mío es un intento 'desesperado' por rescatar lo que nos va quedando".
  12. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Estos lugares se han ido convirtiendo en los espacios de convergencia de jóvenes y adultos que pueden ir conociendo y aprendiendo del lugar en el que viven."
  13. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Desde hoy, 23 de septiembre de 2014, "Memoria Pichilemina" cesa sus publicaciones en forma indefinida. [...] Razones principalmente financieras nos obligan a tomar esta determinación."
  14. ^ Original Spanish quote: "Esperamos estar de vuelta más temprano que tarde. Ojalá así sea, y podamos seguir siendo un aporte para la gente de nuestra provincia Cardenal Caro, tan vilipendiada como menospreciada en esta ingrata región."
  15. ^ Original Spanish quote: "El diario digital "El Marino" es la continuación de la sección de noticias del sitio web "Memoria Pichilemina", iniciada en junio de 2014. "Memoria Pichilemina" volverá a su propósito inicial, servir como un repositorio de documentos históricos para un mejor conocimiento de Pichilemu y la zona."


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Grez Cañete, Diego. Una mirada al pasado. Augusto A. Ramírez: el desconocido editor de periódicos. El Cóndor (Santa Cruz, Chile: Sociedad Impresora Zonal Ltda.). 14 June 2014: 4 (Spanish). 
  2. ^ La Unión (Santa Cruz, Chile : 1900). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. [29 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  3. ^ La Provincia (San Fernando, Chile : 1908). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. [29 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  4. ^ Saldías, Washington. El "Pichilemu", los niños, los canillitas, lustrabotas, y las comunicaciones. Pichilemu News (Pichilemu, Chile). 31 January 2013 [29 July 2013]. (原始內容存檔於29 July 2013) (Spanish). 
  5. ^ Saldías, Washington. El Puerto, El Marino, Pichilemu, El Pichilemino, PichilemuNews y otros en "la noticia". Pichilemu News (Pichilemu, Chile). 17 January 2008 [29 July 2013]. (原始內容存檔於29 July 2013) (Spanish). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 El Puerto (Pichilemu, Chile : 1908). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. [29 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Ramírez O., Augusto A. Nuestra palabra. El Puerto (Pichilemu, Chile: Imprenta La Provincia). 16 January 1908: 1 (Spanish). 
  8. ^ Ramírez O., Augusto A. Nuestra palabra. Saldías, Antonio (編). Pichilemu: mis fuentes de información. Pichilemu, Chile: Editora El Promaucae. 1990: 153 [First published 1908] (Spanish). 
  9. ^ Ramírez O., Augusto A. El Puerto, periódico rejionalista bi-semanal.. El Puerto (Pichilemu, Chile: Imprenta La Provincia). 16 January 1908: 1–4 (Spanish). 
  10. ^ Ramírez O., Augusto A. El Puerto, periódico rejionalista.. El Puerto (Pichilemu, Chile: Imprenta La Provincia). 5 February 1908: 1–4 (Spanish). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Saldías, Washington. Pichilemu y la historia de la prensa local en el influjo y embrujo de enero: del papel a internet. Pichilemu News (Pichilemu, Chile). 31 January 2007 [29 July 2013]. (原始內容存檔於29 July 2013) (Spanish). 
  12. ^ PichilemuNews.cl cumplirá once años en el ciber espacio. Pichilemu News (Pichilemu, Chile). 11 January 2011 [29 July 2013]. (原始內容存檔於29 July 2013) (Spanish). 
  13. ^ El Progreso (Chimbarongo, Chile : 1916). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. [29 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  14. ^ El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile : 1917). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. [18 November 2014] (Spanish). 
  15. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. Nuestra primera palabra. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 14 January 1917 [18 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  16. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. EL MARINO i sus lectores. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 21 January 1917 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  17. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. Saludo de "La Opinion". El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 14 January 1917 [18 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  18. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. "La Palabra" de San Fernando. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 30 January 1917 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  19. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. Vida social. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 23 January 1917 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Ramírez, Augusto. Agua potable. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 8 March 1917 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  21. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. Vida social. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 27 January 1917 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  22. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. Ecos del día. El Marino (Pichilemu). 30 January 1917 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  23. ^ Ramírez, Augusto. Fin de la jornada. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 15 March 1917 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  24. ^ Saldías, Washington. "Padre" de PichilemuNews nació hace 63 años con el nombre de Periódico Pichilemu. Pichilemu News (Pichilemu, Chile). 23 January 2007 [29 July 2013]. (原始內容存檔於8 June 2008) (Spanish). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Calderón, Félix. www.memoriapichilemina.org: Un año rememorando la historia de Pichilemu. El Expreso de la Costa (Pichilemu, Chile). 15 May 2014 [27 May 2014] (Spanish). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Memoria Pichilemina: Diego Grez Cañete. La Voz de la Región (Pichilemu, Chile: Sociedad Periodística Portales Ltda.). 15 May 2014: 6 (Spanish). 
  27. ^ Grez Cañete, Diego. Carta a las autoridades: #NoMasPuntillazos. Memoria Pichilemina. 26 February 2014 [29 April 2014]. (原始內容存檔於29 April 2014) (Spanish). 
  28. ^ Excesivo consumo de alcohol y focos de delincuencia en Pichilemu. Chilevisión (Santiago, Chile: Time Warner). 3 March 2014 [18 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於8 May 2014) (Spanish). 
  29. ^ Grez Cañete, Diego. #NoMásPuntillazos: Carta abierta a las autoridades de Pichilemu. El Dínamo (Pichilemu, Chile). 28 February 2014. (原始內容存檔於3 March 2014) (Spanish). 
  30. ^ Carta abierta de habitantes de Pichilemu. El Cóndor (Santa Cruz, Chile: Sociedad Impresora Zonal). 1 March 2014: 2 (Spanish). 
  31. ^ Un más Puntillazos. El Rancagüino (Rancagua, Chile: Sociedad Informativa Regional). 28 February 2014: 5 (Spanish). 
  32. ^ Rojas, Óscar. Pichileminos no dan más con fiestas en La Puntilla. El Faro del Secano (Pichilemu, Chile: Collofe Creaciones). 28 March 2014: 12 (Spanish). 
  33. ^ Calderón, Félix. ¡Consumo de alcohol y drogas en la playa!. El Expreso de la Costa (Pichilemu, Chile). 15 March 2014: 3 (Spanish). 
  34. ^ ¡"El Marino" está de regreso! – Edición 34, 13 de mayo de 2014. Memoria Pichilemina. Pichilemu, Chile. (原始內容存檔於27 May 2014) (Spanish). 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 ¡"El Marino" está de vuelta tras 97 años!. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 6 October 2014 [18 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於18 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  36. ^ Memoria Pichilemina. Memoria Pichilemina. Pichilemu, Chile. 4 June 2014. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2014) (Spanish). 
  37. ^ Memoria folclórica: "Yo ví pelear dos toritos" (Los Tufureres, autor Pedro Pavez Caro). Memoria Pichilemina (Pichilemu, Chile). 16 June 2014. (原始內容存檔於17 June 2014) (Spanish). 
  38. ^ Grez Cañete, Diego. Hijo Ilustre de Pichilemu, Jorge Aravena Llanca, escribirá nueva sección "Memorias de un Hijo Ilustre". Memoria (Pichilemu, Chile). 6 July 2014. (原始內容存檔於13 September 2014) (Spanish). 
  39. ^ Memoria. Memoria. Pichilemu, Chile. 9 September 2014. (原始內容存檔於9 September 2014) (Spanish). 
  40. ^ Saldías, Washington. La presión y falta de apoyo obliga a cerrar a diario digital "Memoria Pichilemina". pichilemunews. 23 September 2014 [18 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於23 September 2014) (Spanish). 
  41. ^ Moraga, Mario. Una mirada general. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 6 October 2014 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2014) (Spanish). 
  42. ^ Grez, Diego. Dos mil días de Córdova: en entrevista con "El Marino", alcalde de Pichilemu realiza balance de su gestión. El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 6 October 2014 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於16 October 2014) (Spanish). 
  43. ^ Grez, Diego. Fidel Valenzuela, Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Pichilemu conversa en exclusiva con "El Marino". El Marino (Pichilemu, Chile). 7 October 2014 [19 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於16 October 2014) (Spanish). 


Category:1917 establishments in Chile Category:1917 disestablishments in Chile Category:2013 establishments in Chile Category:Defunct newspapers of Chile Category:Media in Pichilemu Category:Newspapers published in Chile Category:Online periodicals with defunct print editions Category:Publications established in 1917 Category:Publications established in 2013 Category:Publications disestablished in 1917 Category:Spanish-language newspapers