丁如(越南語:Đinh Nhu,1910年—1945年3月17日)生於海防,是一位越南流行歌曲作家,曾參與反法獨立鬥爭。他是越南紅歌的早期創作者之一。1930年,在參加乂靜蘇維埃運動後,丁如被捕入獄,在獄中曾參與組織文化活動,如戲劇、合唱等。最終在安沛去世。[1]


  1. ^ Asian music: journal of the Society for Asian Music – Volume 35 Page 75 Society for Asian Music 2004 "Dinh Nhu (1910–1945) assumes an important position in the hagiography of Vietnamese revolutionary music. Captured by the French after participating in the Nghệ Tĩnh Soviet uprising in 1930, he organized cultural events in prison including plays and singing."