
六叔丁氧基二鎢是鎢(III)的配位化合物,化學式為C24H54O6W2。它是紅色固體,對空氣敏感。它是含有W≡W鍵的電中性化合物的例子之一。它可用於炔烴複分解反應英語alkyne metathesis的試劑。[1]它可由NaW2Cl7的四氫呋喃合物的複分解反應製得:[2]

CAS號 57125-20-9
PubChem 13634733
ChemSpider 26567629
  • CC(C)(C)O[W](#[W](OC(C)(C)C)(OC(C)(C)C)OC(C)(C)C)(OC(C)(C)C)OC(C)(C)C
化學式 C24H54O6W2
摩爾質量 806.36 g·mol−1
外觀 紅色固體
密度 1.651 g/cm3
若非註明,所有數據均出自標準狀態(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。
NaW2Cl7(thf)5 + 6 NaOBu-t → W2(OBu-t)6 + 7 NaCl + 7 thf


它和相應的Mo2類似物一樣,具有類似於乙烷的構型。分子中W≡W鍵鍵長為233 pm。[4]它是一種弱路易斯酸,可以和兩分子吡啶形成加合物。[5]


  1. ^ Listemann, Mark L.; Schrock, Richard R. Multiple metal carbon Bonds. 35. A General Route to tri-tert-Butoxytungsten Alkylidyne complexes. Scission of Acetylenes by Ditungsten Hexa-tert-butoxide. Organometallics. 1985, 4: 74–83. doi:10.1021/om00120a014. 
  2. ^ Broderick, Erin M.; Browne, Samuel C.; Johnson, Marc J. A. Dimolybdenum and Ditungsten Hexa(Alkoxides). Inorganic Syntheses. 2014, 36: 95–102. ISBN 9781118744994. doi:10.1002/9781118744994.ch18. 
  3. ^ Chisholm, M. H.; Extine, M. New Metalloorganic Compounds of Tungsten(III). Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1975, 97 (19): 5625–5627. doi:10.1021/ja00852a074. 
  4. ^ Chisholm, Malcolm H.; Gallucci, Judith C.; Hollandsworth, Carl B. Crystal and molecular structure of W2(OBut)6 and electronic structure calculations on various conformers of W2(OMe)6. Polyhedron. 2006, 25 (4): 827–833. doi:10.1016/j.poly.2005.07.010. 
  5. ^ Budzichowski, Theodore A.; Chisholm, M.H.; Folting, Kristen; Huffman, John C.; Streib, William E.; Tiedtke, Darin B. Pyridine, isocyanide, carbodiimide and allene adducts of hexakis (Trifluoromethyl t-botoxy) ditungsten. A comparison of ligand binding to W2(Ot-Bu)6 and W2(OCMe2CF3)6. Polyhedron. 1998, 17 (5–6): 857–867. doi:10.1016/S0277-5387(97)00290-8.