27°08′25″S 109°25′38″W / 27.1402°S 109.4271°W / -27.1402; -109.4271



美國考古學家威廉·穆洛伊英語William Mulloy於1974年修復了該遺址。塔海由三座阿胡(ahu,即石台)組成,由北至南分別為阿胡科特里庫(Ahu Ko Te Riku)、阿胡塔海(Ahu Tahai)與阿胡維烏瑞(Ahu Vai Ure)。其中阿胡維烏瑞包含五尊摩艾石像,其餘兩座阿胡則分別包含一尊石像。阿胡科特里庫的石像是整個復活節島上唯一一尊眼睛得以修復的石像。從塔海遺址還可以遠望位於漢伽基歐埃(Hanga Kio'e)的兩座同樣由穆洛伊修復的阿胡。塔海遺址屬於拉帕努伊國家公園的一部分,被聯合國教科文組織列入世界遺產名錄。

威廉·穆洛伊與妻子艾米莉·羅斯·穆洛伊(Emily Ross Mulloy)死後葬於此處。


  • Mulloy, W.T., and S.R. Fischer. 1993. Easter Island Studies: Contributions to the History of Rapanui in Memory of William T. Mulloy. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  • Mulloy, W.T., World Monuments Fund, and Easter Island Foundation. 1995. The Easter Island Bulletins of William Mulloy. New York; Houston: World Monuments Fund; Easter Island Foundation.
  • Norwegian Archaeological Expedition to Easter Island and the East Pacific, T. Heyerdahl, E.N. Ferdon, W.T. Mulloy, A. Skjølsvold, C.S. Smith. 1961. Archaeology of Easter Island. Stockholm; Santa Fe, N.M.: Forum Pub. House; distributed by The School of American Research.