天主教神學(英語:Roman Catholic theology羅馬大公教會神學明朝天主教稱之為天學)是指有關天主教會根據《聖經》和聖傳進行傳教的神學理論[1]。教會的信仰體現在《尼西亞信經》、《使徒信經》中,並在《天主教教理》中被詳細論述[2][3]。天主教會的一些理論在歷史上幾次重要的大公會議中得到修訂或澄清[4]。公元50年,使徒在耶路撒冷召開了第一次大公會議[5]。而最近的一次大公會議為1965年的第二次梵蒂岡大公會議


  1. ^ CCC 80. [2012-04-30]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-27). 
  2. ^ Marthaler, Introducing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Traditional Themes and Contemporary Issues (1994), Preface
  3. ^ John Paul II, Pope. Laetamur Magnopere publisher = Vatican. 1997 [2008-03-09]. (原始內容存檔於2008-02-11). 
  4. ^ McManners, Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity (2002), pp. 37–38, Chapter 1 The Early Christian Community subsection entitled "Rome", quote: "The 'synod' or, in Latin, 'council' (the modern distinction making a synod something less than a council was unknown in antiquity) became an indispensable way of keeping a common mind, and helped to keep maverick individuals from centrifugal tendencies. During the third century synodal government became so developed that synods used to meet not merely at times of crisis but on a regular basis every year, normally between Easter and Pentecost."
  5. ^ McManners, Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity (2002), p. 37, Chapter 1 The Early Christian Community subsection entitled "Rome", quote: "In Acts 15 scripture recorded the apostles meeting in synod to reach a common policy about the Gentile mission."