
社會主義愛國主義馬克思列寧主義運動所倡導的一種愛國主義形式[1],旨在促使生活在馬克思列寧主義國家的人民「對社會主義祖國無限熱愛,致力於社會革命改造和共產主義事業」[2]。包括馬克思列寧主義者在內的馬克思主義者譴責民族主義是在資本主義下發展起來的資產階級意識形態,使工人相互對立,而馬克思列寧主義者聲稱社會主義愛國主義與民族主義無關[3]。因認為社會愛國主義與無產階級國際主義相兼容,提倡社會愛國主義的馬克思列寧主義者通常也會一併提倡無產階級國際主義。 [4]

弗拉基米爾·列寧將愛國主義分為他所定義的無產階級社會主義愛國主義和資產階級民族主義英語Bourgeois nationalism[5]。列寧提倡所有民族的自決權和民族內部所有工人的團結權,並同時譴責沙文主義,聲稱民族自豪感同時具有正當和不正當的一面[6]。列寧認為,受帝國主義統治的民族有權尋求民族解放英語National liberation (Marxism)[7]




  1. ^ Robert A. Jones. The Soviet concept of "limited sovereignty" from Lenin to Gorbachev: the Brezhnev Doctrine. MacMillan, 1990. Pp. 133.
  2. ^ Stephen White. Russia's new politics: the management of a postcommunist society. Fourth edition. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p. 182.
  3. ^ Stephen White. Understanding Russian Politics. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. 220.
  4. ^ William B. Simons, Stephen White. The Party statutes of the Communist world. BRILL, 1984. Advocacy of socialist patriotism alongside proletarian internationalism shown on Pp. 180 (Czechoslovakia), Pp. 123 (Cuba), Pp. 192 (German Democratic Republic).
  5. ^ The Current digest of the Soviet press, Volume 39, Issues 1-26. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1987. p. 7.
  6. ^ Christopher Read. Lenin: a revolutionary life. Digital Printing Edition. Oxon, England, UK; New York, New York, USA: Routledge, 2006. Pp. 115.
  7. ^ Terry Eagleton. Why Marx Was Right. Yale University Press, 2011. p. 217.