

站立的乘客容易跌倒和受到其他傷害,尤其是對老年人來說。 [7]較矮的人和兒童可能無法夠到把手、帶子或欄杆。


  1. ^ 16 April 1893, Chicago Daily Tribune, pg. 33: "But Lili (a dwarf elephant – ed.) weighs only seventy pounds and her tread would not affect a corn as much as that of the dudish strap-hanger whose equilibrium has been disturbed by the sudden jerk of a green gripman."
  2. ^ 22 February 1896, Chicago Daily Tribune, pg. 7: "'No sane man,' said a North-sider yesterday who has been a strap-hanger for years, 'expects the street car lines to furnish seats for every passenger during the rush hour morning and evening.'"
  3. ^ 19 April 1899, New York Times, pg. 6: "When the offer of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company to build the underground railroad was published, the million strap-hangers were silent, inert, and helplessly contemplative."
  4. ^ "An imposing and formal man, Prescott Bush commuted for years to Grand Central Station, then rode down to Wall Street on the subway. 'He'd die now,' according to George's sister Nancy, 'with limos picking them up. He was a straphanger.'" — Andrew Delbanco, "Self-Remade Man," The New York Times review
  5. ^ Standee. Dictionary.com. [2015-05-22]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-23). 
  6. ^ The Telegraph (London), "Ryanair to sell £5 tickets for standing-room only flights"頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), Laura Roberts, 1 July 2010 (accessed 17 September 2010)
  7. ^ "Safety of Standing Passengers in Urban Buses頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)" on ScienceDaily website, viewed 2013-09-12