道格拉斯·麥格雷戈 (政治評論家)

道格拉斯·麥格雷戈(英語:Douglas Abbott Macgregor,1947年1月4日)美國退役上校、政府官員、作家、顧問和政治評論員。[1]

出生1947年1月4日 編輯維基數據 (77歲)
費城 編輯維基數據
職業軍人 編輯維基數據
網站https://douglasmacgregor.com 編輯維基數據


2004 年離開軍隊後,麥格雷戈在政治上變得更加活躍。2020年,當勞·特朗普總統提名他擔任美國駐德國大使,但未通過美國參議院。2020年11月11日,五角大樓發言人宣佈,麥格雷戈已被聘為代理國防部長的高級顧問[5],他擔任該職位不到三個月。特朗普還任命他為美國軍事學院董事會成員,但該任命於2021年被總統喬·拜登終止。[6]麥格雷戈曾為福克斯新聞撰稿,並出現在俄羅斯國家資助的RT頻道上。[7]他的評論因貶低烏克蘭、移民和難民而聞名。


  1. ^ Gal Perl Finkel, Win the close fight, The Jerusalem Post, March 21, 2017.
  2. ^ Newman, Richard J. Renegades Finish Last. A Colonel's Innovative Ideas Don't Sit Well with the Brass. U.S. News & World Report. Vol. 123 no. 4. July 28, 1997: 35 [November 13, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於October 19, 2012). 
  3. ^ Ricks, Thomas E. Gung Ho but Slow. Why the U.S. Army is Ill-Equipped to Move Into Kosovo Quickly. The Wall Street Journal. April 16, 1999. 
  4. ^ Ricks, Thomas E. A Test Case for Bush's Military Reform Pledge?. The Washington Post. February 20, 2002 [June 20, 2022]. One of the Army's leading thinkers on innovation, Macgregor has written for years about how the military needs to adjust from its aging Cold War posture and become a more agile, creative force able to intervene quickly anywhere in the world. 
  5. ^ Ryan Browne; Barbara Starr. Trump administration installs advocate for quick Afghanistan withdrawal at Pentagon - CNN Politics. CNN. November 11, 2020 [December 20, 2022]. An ardent opponent of the US military’s presence in Afghanistan who once called for the use of lethal force against illegal immigrants and has made a litany of racist comments has been made a senior adviser at the Pentagon. 
  6. ^ Shane, Leo III. Biden boots Trump appointees from military academy advisory boards. Military Times. September 8, 2021 [December 20, 2022]. 
  7. ^ Steck, Em; Kaczynski, Andrew. German ambassador pick disparaged immigrants and refugees, called for martial law at US-Mexico border. CNN. August 4, 2020 [August 5, 2020].