


科學分類 編輯
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 維管束植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真雙子葉植物 Eudicots
演化支 菊類植物 Asterids
目: 龍膽目 Gentianales
科: 茜草科 Rubiaceae
亞科: 金雞納亞科 Cinchonoideae
族: 耳草族 Hedyotideae
屬: 雪花屬 Argostemma
Wall., 1824


  • Argostemmella Ridl.
  • Pomangium Reinw.





  1. ^ 中国种子植物科属词典. 中國數字植物標本館. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-11). 
  2. ^ Truong Van Do, Chen Zhe and Niu Yang. 2020. Argostemma bachmaense (Rubiaceae, Rubioideae, Argostemmateae), A New Species from central Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany. DOI: 10.1111/njb.02765
  3. ^ Maxim S. Nuraliev, Anton S. Beer, Andrey N. Kuznetsov and Svetlana P. Kuznetsova. 2017. Argostemma cordatum (Rubiaceae), A New Species from Vietnam. Phytotaxa. 317(1); 42–52. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.317.1.4
  4. ^ Zhong-Cheng Liu, Jia Liu, Wan-Yi Zhao, Qiang Fan, Hua-Gu Ye, Lei Wang and Wen-Bo Liao. 2022. Argostemma ehuangzhangense (Rubiaceae), A New Species from Guangdong, China. PhytoKeys. 214: 75-82. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.214.89276
  5. ^ Ritesh Kumar Choudhary, Tran The Bach, Do Van Hai, Bui Hong Quang, Sang-Hong Park, Changyoung Lee and Joongku Lee. 2014. Argostemma glabra (Rubiaceae), A New Species from Vietnam. Annales Botanici Fennici. 50(4); 258-262. DOI: 10.5735/086.050.0408
  6. ^ Bimolkumar S. Sadokpam, Sandhyarani D. Khomdram, Sanatombi D. Yumkham and Dhaneshwor Waikhom. 2023. Argostemma kamjongense (Rubiaceae), A New Species from Manipur, Northeast India. Webbia. 78(2); 79-86. DOI: 10.36253/jopt-14877
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Soulivanh Lanorsavanh, Pranom Chantaranothai and Keooudone Souvannakhoummane. 2020. Six New Species of Argostemma Wall. (Rubiaceae) from Laos. Nordic Journal of Botany. 38(10); DOI: 10.1111/njb.02714
  8. ^ Soulivanh Lanorsavanh and Pranom Chantaranothai. 2016. Argostemma laotica (Rubiaceae), A New Species from Laos. Phytotaxa. 270(3); 223–226. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.270.3.7
  9. ^ Anoop Puthuparampil Balan, Aloor Jose Robi and Nanu Sasidharan. 2021. Argostemma quarantena (Rubiaceae, Ruboideae), A New Species from southern Western Ghats, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography. 76(1); 47-52. DOI: 10.36253/jopt-9592
  10. ^ Hao W , Aranas D R , Alejandro G , et al. A new species of Argostemma (Rubiaceae) with free stamens in star-shaped corolla from the Philippines[J]. Phytotaxa, 2020, 437(2):113-117.
  11. ^ Ke-Yi Fang, Yi-Hua Tong, Tien-Chin Vu, Khang-Sinh Nguyen and Nian-He Xia. 2022. Argostemma tortilobum (Rubiaceae), A New Species from Vietnam. Phytotaxa. 567(1); 105-109. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.567.1.11