模板:Infobox pig breed
特徵 | |
豬 Sus scrofa domesticus |
編輯{{Infobox pig breed | name = Name of pig breed | image = image.ext | image_size = image size | image_alt = alt text for image; see [[WP:ALT]] | image_caption = caption | status = conservation status (extinct, critical, endangered, etc) | altname = alternate name; use {{Unbulleted list}} if more than one | country = country of origin | distribution = e.g., Africa, South-East Asia, world-wide (about 70 countries) | standard = [url Entity]; use {{Unbulleted list}} if more than one | use = use(s) | nickname = nickname; use {{Unbulleted list}} if more than one | maleweight = male weight | femaleweight = female weight | maleheight = male height | femaleheight = female height | skincolor = skin color | hair = hair color/characteristics | note = extra notes }}
編輯![]() 一頭杜洛克豬 | |
特徵 | |
毛色 | 顏色各異,從深黃色到紅棕色都有可能。 |
耳朵 | 下垂 |
分類 | |
美國品種委員會 | National Swine Registry |
豬 Sus scrofa domesticus |
{{猪品种信息框 |品种=杜洛克猪 |图片=Pot-bellied pig gris.jpg |图片说明=一头杜洛克猪 |起源=[[新泽西]]的泽西红猪和[[纽约]]的杜洛克猪 |毛色=颜色各异,从深黄色到红棕色都有可能。 |耳朵=下垂 |美国品种委员会=National Swine Registry }}
- 家養動物多樣化信息系統 - Domestic Animal Diversity Information System,DAD-IS
- 歐洲農場動物生物多樣化信息系統 - European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System,EFABIS
- 家畜品種網 - Department of Animal Science - Oklahoma State University
- 美國家畜品種保護委員會 - American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
- 北歐-波羅的海農場動物數據庫 - Nordic Baltic Farm Animal Database
- 拉脫維亞動物遺傳資源 - Latvian Animal Genetic Resources
- 澳大利亞稀有動物品種 - Rare Breeds Trust of Australia
- 新西蘭稀有動物品種 - New Zealand Rare Breeds
- 稀有品種保護依託 - Rare Breeds Survival Trust | RBST
- 中國畜禽牧草種質資源信息網
- 中國家養動物遺傳資源網