
交通和地图符号是一个Unicode区段,其中包含了与交通运输和地图有关的图标。这个区段的创立主要是为了与日本电话公司的Shift JIS表情符号实现兼容,并将WingdingsWingdings 2的字符集编入正式编码。

Transport and Map Symbols
6.070 (+70)
7.097 (+27)
8.098 (+1)
9.0103 (+5)
10.0107 (+4)
11.0108 (+1)
12.0110 (+2)
13.0114 (+4)
14.0117 (+3)
15.0118 (+1)
码表链接 ∣ Web page


Transport and Map Symbols[1][2]
Unicode Consortium 官方码表(PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ 依据 Unicode 15.0
2.^ 灰色区域表示未分配的码位




U+1F680–U+1F6C5、U+1F6CB–U+1F6D2、U+1F6E0–U+1F6E5、U+1F6E9、U+1F6EB–U+1F6EC、U+1F6F0 及 U+1F6F3–U+1F6F8[3][4]

此外,本区段有46个可选异体字,使用以下23个字元时,大家可以指定它是绘文字式样(U+FE0F VS16)还是文本式样(U+FE0E VS15):

U+1F687、U+1F68D、U+1F691、U+1F694、U+1F698、U+1F6AD、U+1F6B2、U+1F6B9–U+1F6BA、U+1F6BC、U+1F6CB、U+1F6CD–U+1F6CF、U+1F6E0–U+1F6E5, U+1F6E9、U+1F6F0 及 U+1F6F3[5]

U+ 1F687 1F68D 1F691 1F694 1F698 1F6AD 1F6B2 1F6B9 1F6BA 1F6BC 1F6CB 1F6CD
预设式样 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 绘文字 文本 文本
基本码位 🚇 🚍 🚑 🚔 🚘 🚭 🚲 🚹 🚺 🚼 🛋 🛍
基本+VS15(文本) 🚇︎ 🚍︎ 🚑︎ 🚔︎ 🚘︎ 🚭︎ 🚲︎ 🚹︎ 🚺︎ 🚼︎ 🛋︎ 🛍︎
基本+VS16(绘文字) 🚇️ 🚍️ 🚑️ 🚔️ 🚘️ 🚭️ 🚲️ 🚹️ 🚺️ 🚼️ 🛋️ 🛍️
U+ 1F6CE 1F6CF 1F6E0 1F6E1 1F6E2 1F6E3 1F6E4 1F6E5 1F6E9 1F6F0 1F6F3
预设式样 文本 文本 文本 文本 文本 文本 文本 文本 文本 文本 文本
基本码位 🛎 🛏 🛠 🛡 🛢 🛣 🛤 🛥 🛩 🛰 🛳
基本+VS15(文本) 🛎︎ 🛏︎ 🛠︎ 🛡︎ 🛢︎ 🛣︎ 🛤︎ 🛥︎ 🛩︎ 🛰︎ 🛳︎
基本+VS16(绘文字) 🛎️ 🛏️ 🛠️ 🛡️ 🛢️ 🛣️ 🛤️ 🛥️ 🛩️ 🛰️ 🛳️




U+ 1F6A3 1F6B4 1F6B5 1F6B6 1F6C0 1F6CC
绘文字 🚣 🚴 🚵 🚶 🛀 🛌
FITZ-1-2 🚣🏻 🚴🏻 🚵🏻 🚶🏻 🛀🏻 🛌🏻
FITZ-3 🚣🏼 🚴🏼 🚵🏼 🚶🏼 🛀🏼 🛌🏼
FITZ-4 🚣🏽 🚴🏽 🚵🏽 🚶🏽 🛀🏽 🛌🏽
FITZ-5 🚣🏾 🚴🏾 🚵🏾 🚶🏾 🛀🏾 🛌🏾
FITZ-6 🚣🏿 🚴🏿 🚵🏿 🚶🏿 🛀🏿 🛌🏿





Unicode版本 最终码位[a] 码位数 L2 ID WG2 ID 文档
6.0 U+1F680..1F6C5[b] 70 L2/06-272 Stötzner, Andreas, Public Signage (I), 2006-07-30 
L2/06-370 Stötzner, Andreas, Symbols, 2006-11-02 
L2/09-025R2 N3582[c] Scherer, Markus; Davis, Mark; Momoi, Kat; Tong, Darick; Kida, Yasuo; Edberg, Peter, Proposal for Encoding Emoji Symbols, 2009-03-05 
L2/09-026R N3583页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Scherer, Markus; Davis, Mark; Momoi, Kat; Tong, Darick; Kida, Yasuo; Edberg, Peter, Emoji Symbols Proposed for New Encoding, 2009-02-06 
L2/09-027R2 N3681页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Scherer, Markus, Emoji Symbols: Background Data, 2009-09-17 
L2/09-114 N3607页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Towards an encoding of symbol characters used as emoji, 2009-04-06 
L2/09-272 Scherer, Markus; Davis, Mark; Momoi, Kat; Edberg, Peter, Emoji: Review of PDAM 8, 2009-08-06 
L2/10-025 N3726页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Constable, Peter, 7, 13, Emoji ad-hoc meeting report 2009-10-27, 2009-10-27 
L2/09-412 N3722页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, USA T.3, Ireland T15-T17, E10, Germany T24, Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4078 (PDAM text for Amendment 8 to ISO/IEC 10646:2003), 2009-11-02 
L2/10-089 N3777页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 KDDI Input on Emoji, 2010-03-08 
L2/10-137 N3828页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4123 (FPDAM text for Amendment 8 to ISO/IEC 10646:2003), 2010-04-22 
L2/10-138 N3829页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Constable, Peter; et al, 15, Emoji Ad-Hoc Meeting Report, 2010-04-27 
L2/15-071R Davis, Mark; Burge, Jeremy, More Unicode Emoji Glyph changes, 2015-02-03 
L2/15-141, html页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Davis, Mark; Edberg, Peter, Emoji Glyph and Annotation Recommendations, 2015-03-31 
L2/16-361 Pournader, Roozbeh; Felt, Doug, Add text and emoji standardized variation sequences for 96 symbols, 2016-11-07 
7.0 U+1F6C6..1F6CF, 1F6E0..1F6EC, 1F6F0..1F6F3 27 L2/11-052R Suignard, Michel, Wingdings and Webdings symbols - Preliminary study, 2011-02-15 
N4239页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4201 (PDAM text for Amendment 1.2 to ISO/IEC 10646 3rd edition), 2011-02-16 
L2/11-149 Suignard, Michel, Proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings symbols, 2011-05-09 
L2/11-196 N4022页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, Revised Wingdings proposal, 2011-05-21 
L2/11-247 N4115页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, Proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings Symbols, 2011-06-08 
L2/11-344 N4143页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, Updated proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings Symbols, 2011-09-28 
N4363页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, Status of encoding of Wingdings and Webdings Symbols, 2012-10-13 
L2/12-368 N4384页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Suignard, Michel, Status of encoding of Wingdings and Webdings Symbols, 2012-11-06 
L2/12-086 Requests regarding the Wingdings/Webdings characters in ISO/IEC 10646 PDAM 1.2, 2012-12-27 
L2/15-050R[d][b] Davis, Mark; et al, Additional variation selectors for emoji, 2015-01-29 
L2/15-301[e][b] Pournader, Roozbeh, A proposal for 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji, 2015-11-01 
L2/16-036 Davis, Mark, Nameslist.txt suggestions, 2016-01-24 
L2/16-228 Constable, Peter; Safran-Aasen, Judy; Coady, Michele; Bjornstad, Shelley, Proposed Additions to Emoji_Modifier_Base, 2016-08-04 
L2/16-203 Moore, Lisa, UTC #148 Minutes, 2016-08-18 
8.0 U+1F6D0 1 L2/14-275 Edberg, Peter; et al, Emoji ad-hoc committee recommendations to UTC #141, 2014-10-23 
L2/15-025 Anderson, Deborah, Future Additions to ISO/IEC 10646, 2014-10-30 
L2/14-235R3 Afshar, Shervin; Pournader, Roozbeh, Emoji and Symbol Additions - Religious Symbols and Structures, 2014-11-01 
L2/15-032R Davis, Mark, Recommended Disposition on Feedback for PRI 286 & related Emoji docs, 2015-02-23 
9.0 U+1F6D1, 1F6F4..1F6F5 3 L2/14-085 Parrott, Katrina, Request Approval to add “Our New iDiversicons: Diverse Emoji Characters” to the next updated Unicode Standard, 2014-04-09 
L2/14-154R Parrott, Katrina; Afshar, Shervin, Report on Diversity Emoji Use in iDiversicons and Proposal to Add New Emoji from iDiversicons Collection to Unicode, 2014-08-05 
L2/14-174R Davis, Mark; Edberg, Peter, Emoji Additions, 2014-08-27 
L2/14-172R Davis, Mark; Edberg, Peter, Proposed enhancements for emoji characters: background, 2014-08-29 
L2/14-275 Edberg, Peter; et al, Emoji ad-hoc committee recommendations to UTC #141, 2014-10-23 
L2/14-282 Parrott, Katrina, iDiversicons Proposed Emoji Additions Extracted from L2/14-154R, 2014-10-28 
L2/15-048 Parrott, Katrina; et al, Adding gender counterparts to emoji list?, 2015-01-31 
L2/15-058 Afshar, Shervin, Comparing MSN Messenger Smiley Set to Unicode Emoji, 2015-02-01 
L2/15-059 Afshar, Shervin, Comparing Yahoo Messenger Smiley Set to Unicode Emoji, 2015-02-01 
L2/15-054R4 Cummings, Craig, Emoji Additions: Animals, Compatibility, and More Popular Requests, 2015-05-08 
U+1F6D2 1 L2/15-195R2 Emoji Additions Tranche 6: More Popular Requests and Gap Filling, 2015-07-28 
U+1F6F6 1 L2/15-196R4 Komatsu, Hiroyuki, Proposal to add more sports-related emoji characters, 2015-07-31 
10.0 U+1F6D3..1F6D4 2 L2/15-007 N4661页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 West, Andrew, Proposal to encode five religious and cultural symbols, 2015-01-11 
L2/15-017 Moore, Lisa, E3, UTC #142 Minutes, 2015-02-12 
U+1F6F7 1 L2/16-127 Komatsu, Hiroyuki, Proposal for more winter activity emojis, 2016-05-25 
L2/16-369 Edberg, Peter, Further emoji additions for Unicode 10, consolidated proposal, 2016-11-10 
U+1F6F8[f] 1 L2/16-206 Baker, Cody, Flying Saucer Emoji, 2016-08-02 
  1. ^ 提案中建议的码位可能与最终码位不同。
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Refer to the history section of the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs block for additional emoji-related documents
  3. ^ N3582的日语翻译可见于N3621
  4. ^ 参见L2/13-207L2/14-054L2/14-063L2/15-051.htmlL2/15-051.txt
  5. ^ 参见L2/15-198L2/15-275
  6. ^ See also L2/16-369


  1. ^ Unicode character database. The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-25). 
  2. ^ Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard. The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-29). 
  3. ^ UTR #51: Unicode Emoji. Unicode Consortium. 2017-05-18 [2018-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-01). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 UCD: Emoji Data for UTR #51. Unicode Consortium. 2017-03-27 [2018-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-16). 
  5. ^ UTS #51 Emoji Variation Sequences. The Unicode Consortium. [永久失效链接]