兽颌兽属学名Theriognathus)意为“兽的颌部”,是已灭绝合弓纲的一属,属于兽孔目兽头亚目,化石发现于南非卡鲁盆地小头兽组合带(Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone)与二齿兽组合带(Dicynodon Assemblage Zone),生存年代为二叠纪晚期。

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 合弓纲 Synapsida
演化支 兽孔类 Therapsida
科: Whaitsiidae科 Whaitsiidae
属: 兽颌兽属 Theriognathus
Owen, 1876
Theriognathus microps
Owen, 1876
  • T. microps Owen, 1876
  • T. major
    (Broom, 1920 [原为Whaitsia major)
  • T. laticeps
    (Broom, 1925 [原为Notosollasia laticeps])
  • Alopecopsis Broom, 1920
  • Aneugomphius
    Broom and Robinson, 1949
  • Hyenosaurus Broom, 1935
  • Notaelurops Broom, 1936
  • Notosollasia Broom, 1925
  • Whaitsia Haughton, 1918

兽颌兽是种大型兽头类,属于Whaitsiidae科。在1980年,Whaitsiidae科的许多属被归类为兽颌兽的异名Whaitsia被归类为Theriognathus majorNotosollasia被归类为Theriognathus laticeps[1]



  1. ^ Brink, A.S. On the genus Theriognathus Owen (including Whaitsia, Notosollasia, Alopecopsis, Notaelurops, Moschorhynchus and Aneugomphius). Annals of the Geological Survey, Pretoria. 1980, 14: 1–37. 
  2. ^ Kemp, T.S. Whaitsiid Therocephalia and the origin of cynodonts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B. 1972, 264 (857): 1–54. 
  3. ^ FERNANDO ABDALA, BRUCE S. RUBIDGE, JURI van den HEEVER. THE OLDEST THEROCEPHALIANS (THERAPSIDA, EUTHERIODONTIA) AND THE EARLY DIVERSIFICATION OF THERAPSIDA. Palaeontology. 2008-07-01, 51 (4): 1011–1024 [2018-04-02]. ISSN 1475-4983. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2008.00784.x (英语). 
  4. ^ Huttenlocker, A. An investigation into the cladistic relationships and monophyly of therocephalian therapsids (Amniota: Synapsida). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2009, 157 (4): 865–891. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2009.00538.x.