

玳瑁学名Eretmochelys imbricata)是属于海龟科的一种海龟,是玳瑁属下唯一一种,又名瑇瑁蝳蝐瑇玳文甲鹰嘴海龟十三鲮龟十三鳞十三棱龟明玳瑁千年龟,简称[1],分为太平洋玳瑁(Eretmochelys imbricata bissa)和大西洋玳瑁(Eretmochelys imbricata imbricata)两个亚种。此物种分布非常广泛,其中太平洋玳瑁分布于印度洋-太平洋海域大西洋玳瑁分布于大西洋中[2]。该物种的模式产地在美洲和亚洲的海域[3]


玳瑁的甲壳上有美丽而又色彩斑斓的花纹,是一种名贵的宝石,可作为首饰雕塑等饰品的原材料,高贵典雅,有祥瑞幸福、健康长寿的象征,享有“海金”之称。玳瑁工艺在中国已有上千年的历史,工艺水平在唐代已达顶峰,日本的玳瑁工艺也受到了中国很大的影响。正是由于人类对玳瑁的过度需求,导致玳瑁在世界范围内的数量持续减少,已有灭绝的危险,目前两个玳瑁亚种的保护现状均已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)评为极危状态[5]。一些国家,如中国日本,常会猎取玳瑁、挖其巢穴以食用它的肉和蛋,因为玳瑁的肉蛋很美味,甲壳可入中药,因此玳瑁的保护有很大困难。目前玳瑁受到《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)的保护,很多国家已禁止猎捕玳瑁,玳瑁产品也被禁止进出口[6]。 The hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a critically endangered sea turtle belonging to the family Cheloniidae. It is the only extant species in the genus Eretmochelys. The species has a worldwide distribution, with Atlantic and Indo-Pacific subspeciesE. i. imbricata and E. i. bissa, respectively.[7]

The hawksbill's appearance is similar to that of other marine turtles. In general, it has a flattened body shape, a protective carapace英语Carapace#Turtles and tortoises, and flipper-like limbs, adapted for swimming in the open ocean. E. imbricata is easily distinguished from other sea turtles by its sharp, curving beak with prominent tomium英语tomium, and the saw-like appearance of its shell margins. Hawksbill shells slightly change colors, depending on water temperature. While this turtle lives part of its life in the open ocean, it spends more time in shallow lagoons and coral reefs. The World Conservation Union, primarily as a result of Human fishing practices, classifies E. imbricata as critically endangered.[5] Hawksbill shells were the primary source of tortoiseshell material used for decorative purposes. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species outlaws the capture and trade of hawksbill sea turtles and products derived from them.[6]

  1. ^ (中文)字典中 玳 字的解释. 汉典. [2009-04-03]. 
  2. ^ Eretmochelys imbricata. ITIS. 2007 [2月5日, 2007]. 
  3. ^ 中国科学院动物研究所. 玳瑁. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-06-07] (中文). 
  4. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为VDGIF的参考文献提供内容
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 引用错误:没有为名为IUCN的参考文献提供内容
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 引用错误:没有为名为CITESAPP的参考文献提供内容
  7. ^ Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766). ITIS. [2007-02-05].