巴哈伊信仰 |
核心人物 |
重要著作 |
机构 |
历史 |
人物 |
圣地 |
其他 |
- “这神圣的嫩枝——上帝圣道的守护者和将由普选产生的世界正义院,皆受阿帕哈美尊照顾与保佑,皆受崇高圣尊庇佑与无误指引(愿我能为他们两者献身)。他们所作的一切决定都是上帝的旨意。违背他或他们就是违背上帝;反抗他或他们就是反抗上帝;反对他就是反对上帝;和他们争斗就是和上帝争斗;和他争论就是和上帝争论;否认他就是否认上帝;不信他就是不信上帝;偏离、脱离和背弃他诚然就是偏离、脱离和背弃上帝。”[3]
编辑巴哈伊选举在巴哈伊社群中拥有权威的特定机构,这些机构被巴哈欧拉称为"the Rulers"。这些机构的成员,在个人意义上没有任何权威。仅当他们以适当的方式组成,并且以一个机构的名义作出决定时,此决定才在这个社群中被视为有效。巴哈欧拉曾设想一个由9位或更多的成年巴哈伊组成的最高正义院与地方正义院。阿博都巴哈则在他的遗嘱中揭示了"第二级"或国家正义院。作为胚胎期的组织,国家和地方正义院目前以“灵体会”命名。一般认为,在将来时期成熟时,“灵体会”将成长为功能完善的正义院。
编辑国家灵体会(NSA)一般以国家为单位组成。虽然存在某一地区的巴哈伊组建了自己的灵体会(如阿拉斯加)的情况。也有多国巴哈伊共同组建同一灵体会的,如波罗的海国家,加拿大与美国的巴哈伊在历史上也曾属于一个共同的灵体会管理。 国家灵体会的具体组建方式由世界正义院决定,并可视情况变更。如现在,美国与加拿大已有其自己的灵体会。每个国家灵体会每年由地方灵体会的代表选举产生。
编辑Bahá'ís consider their electoral process to be a sacred act, essential to the health of the community. Great effort is spent on organizing elections to meet with the exacting standards set by Shoghi Effendi.
编辑Bahá'í elections use what is described as a three-stage councilor-republican system to determine electors. Who the electors are and who the eligible members are depends on the scope of the election. At all levels, only residents within the jurisdiction of the body being elected are eligible for membership. In general, adult Bahá'ís in good standing resident in the jurisdiction are both the electorate (either directly or through delegation) as well as the pool of potential members to serve on the body being elected.
Voting itself is held using a system sometimes called plurality-at-large. It is similar to a simple plurality election except that there are multiple positions open for election. In the typical case, there are nine memberships on an Assembly or House of Justice (barring by-elections), and therefore voters are given ballots with nine spaces, or are given nine separate ballots. Electors write the individual names of nine eligible Bahá'ís, without repeating. The nine Bahá'ís with the most votes are elected. In cases of tie votes for the ninth-least-populous vote (for example), a run-off election is held (unless one of the tied candidates is a member of a minority in the community and is deemed elected).
Bahá'í elections do not include any sort of constituency for members - all members are considered to be at-large. Members are chosen by the electorate based on Shoghi Effendi's stated criteria consisting of five qualities:
- "Let us recall His explicit and often-repeated assurance that every Assembly elected in that rarefied atmosphere of selflessness and detachment is in truth, appointed of God, that its verdict is truly inspired, that one and all should submit to its decision unreservedly and with cheerfulness ... the elector ... is called upon to vote for none but those whom prayer and reflection have inspired him to uphold... Hence it is incumbent upon the chosen delegates to consider without the least trace of passion and prejudice, and irrespective of any material consideration, the names of only those who can best combine the necessary qualities of unquestioned loyalty, of selfless devotion, of a well-trained mind, of recognized ability and mature experience... Nothing short of the all-encompassing, all-pervading power of His Guidance and Love can enable this newly enfolded order to gather strength and flourish amid the storm and stress of a turbulent age, and in the fullness of time vindicate its high claim to be universally recognized as the one Haven of abiding felicity and peace."[3]
- 提名和竞选是禁止的。巴哈伊不应该以让自己当选为目的推介自己。
- 巴哈伊在投票时征询他人的意见是不被鼓励的。
- 巴哈伊在投票时以抽象、不具有个人指向性的方式学习和讨论守基·阿芬第列举的为大家服务所需的五项品质是被鼓励的。
- 巴哈伊在投票时应仅仅以某人是否具有为大家服务所需的五项品质为基础,而不是物质原因或其他特质,除非该特质可成为洞察该五项品质的依据。
- 当选的结果是服务。尽管当选人可能存在个人困难,请求当选人履行职责或替换当选人也是被允许的。
- 如果某类型的被选举人属于成员中的少数群体(在美国指的是少数种族),他将自动被授予该位置。如果被选举人是否为少数群体这一事实并不十分明确,抑或对是否使用该规则发生了争议,将在这一少数群体中举行单独选举以做出决定。
Electoral scope
编辑Local or regional
编辑At the local (city, town, county) level of administration, the Local Spiritual Assembly, adult Bahá'ís in that particular locality get to vote once a year for their nine-member Local Spiritual Assembly.
In the United States, Canada, and India, regional councils are elected by members of these Local Spiritual Assemblies in an election conducted by mail. Again, no nominations occur, each Local Spiritual Assembly member is directed to submit the names of those individuals who are resident in the region they feel are best suited to serve.
Some larger Bahá'í communities, such as in the city of Toronto, Ontario in Canada, are slated to move to an indirect delegated system similar to that used in National elections.
编辑The selection of the National Spiritual Assembly is indirect using an electoral-unit delegation method. The nation is divided into voting districts or units. In each district the members are charged to select one or a few delegates who will represent them at the annual national convention, and who will vote for the members of the National Spiritual Assembly. The members at the local level then elect the individual(s) whom they believe will best represent them at the national convention, and who is the best qualified to vote for National Spiritual Assembly members. No input is provided to the delegate on whom to vote for in the national election. The number of delegates per country is determined by the Universal House of Justice according to the size of the national community[来源请求]; the National Spiritual Assembly determines the geographic area covered by each unit/district.[来源请求]
Service on multiple institutions
编辑Bahá'ís may, depending on circumstances, serve on multiple institutions. Members of National Spiritual Assemblies have served on Local Spiritual Assemblies, and assistants within the appointed institutions may serve on Local Spiritual Assemblies. However, beyond this there are several practical limitations. National Spiritual Assemblies may ask Local Spiritual Assemblies to excuse those who are members of both bodies from executive positions, to free their time to do the work of that National Spiritual Assemblies. Members of the Auxiliary Boards appointed by the Counsellors who are elected to such an institution are asked to choose to serve either in their elected or appointed capacity, but not both. Members of the Universal House of Justice do not simultaneously serve on other elected bodies, though this may not be a formal policy.
编辑- ^ Smith, Peter. administration (PDF). A concise encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith. Oxford: Oneworld Publications: 24–29. 2000. ISBN 1-85168-184-1.
- ^ [1] [2]
- ^ Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian, p. 23 [Emphasis added]
编辑- `Abdu'l-Bahá. The Will And Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Mona Vale, N.S.W, Australia: Bahá'í Publications Australia. 1992 [1901-08]. ISBN 0909991472.
- Abizadeh, Arash (2005). "Democratic Elections without Campaigns? Normative Foundations of National Baha'i Elections." World Order 37.1: 7-49.
- Bahá'í World News Service (2005/05/18). "Baha'is hold unique democratic elections.".
- Bahá'u'lláh. The Kitáb-i-Aqdas: The Most Holy Book. Wilmette, Illinois, USA: Bahá'í Publishing Trust. 1992 [1873]. ISBN 0853989990.
- Bahá'u'lláh. Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Wilmette, Illinois, USA: Bahá'í Publishing Trust. 1994 [1873-92]. ISBN 0877431744.
- Britannica (Eds.). Britannica Book of the Year. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Chicago,. 1992.
- Effendi, Shoghi. God Passes By. Wilmette, Illinois, USA: Bahá'í Publishing Trust. 1944. ISBN 0877430209.
- Effendi, Shoghi. Bahá'í Administration. Wilmette, Illinois, USA: Bahá'í Publishing Trust. 1974. ISBN 0877431663.
- Effendi, Shoghi. Principles of Bahá'í Administration 4th ed. London, UK: Bahá'í Publishing Trust. 1976. ISBN 0900125136.
- Effendi, Shoghi. The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. Wilmette, Illinois, USA: Bahá'í Publishing Trust. 1938. ISBN 0877432317.
- MacEoin, Denis. Hinnells, John R. (ed) , 编. A New Handbook of Living Religions. Blackwell Publishers. 1997. ISBN 0-631-18275-6.
- Mitchell, Glenford E. Administration, Bahá'í. Bahá’í Encyclopedia Project. Evanston, IL: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States. 2009.
- Nakhjavání, Alí. Towards World Order. Baha'i Publications Australia. 2005. ISBN 1876322934.
- Universal House of Justice. The Institution of the Counsellors. Bahá'í World Centre. 2001.
- Universal House of Justice. Research Department (compiler). Peace. Bahá'í World Centre. 1985.
- Universal House of Justice. Letter to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors. 2001-01-09.