雷姆角[1]康瓦尔语Penn an Hordh ) [2]英国康瓦尔郡东南部拉梅半岛英语Rame Peninsula拉梅村英语Rame, Maker-with-Rame西南方的一个沿海岬角。[3]有一个供奉米迦勒小圣堂位于雷姆角。


参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Fortescue Hitchins英语Fortescue Hitchins & al. The History of Cornwall, from the Earliest Records and Traditions to the Present Time, Vol. II, p. 573.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Wm. Penaluna (London), 1824. Accessed 24 May 2014.
  2. ^ Place-names in the Standard Written Form (SWF)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) : List of place-names agreed by the MAGA Signage Panel页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Cornish Language Partnership英语Cornish Language Partnership.
  3. ^ Ordnance Survey: Landranger map sheet 201 Plymouth & Launceston ISBN 978-0-319-23146-3

坐标50°18′40″N 4°13′23″W / 50.311°N 4.223°W / 50.311; -4.223