
Mys 721tx在话题“Hangon”中的最新留言:5年前
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不是“明显、拙劣的机器翻译”,条目主要编者是“维基内容专家”User:凌云。--Mewaqua留言2018年9月12日 (三) 03:50 (UTC)回复

  1. "The precise extent of the void is unknown, but it is at least 45 Mpc (150 million light-years) across,[6] and possibly 150 to 300 h−1 MPc"
    en:Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs
  2. "Several authors have shown that the local universe up to 300 MPc from the Milky Way is less dense than surrounding areas, by 15-50%."
  3. "An earlier "Hubble Bubble" model, based on measured velocities of Type 1a supernovae, proposed a relative void centred on the Milky Way."
  4. "The Local Void is surrounded uniformly by matter in all directions, except for one sector in which there is nothing, which has the effect of taking more matter away from that sector. The effect on the nearby galaxy is astonishingly large."
内容专家称号显然与翻译质量没有关系。-Mys_721tx留言2018年9月12日 (三) 14:34 (UTC)回复