
ModelBest established in August 2022, is an Artificial Intelligence technology company headquartered in Beijing, China. The company is deeply rooted in the field of general AI, with a focus on the innovation and application transformation of large-scale models. ModelBest boasts a prestigious founding R&D team from the Tsinghua in the AI field. Leveraging numerous cutting-edge technologies in natural language processing, the company is currently constructing a large-scale pre-trained model library and corresponding tools, aiming to standardize the technology and applications of large models.

Based on the capabilities of the CPM series of large models, ModelBest has successfully facilitated the intelligent upgrade and efficiency enhancement of various industries. Moreover, the company has released a multi-modal dialog assistant with hundreds of billions of parameters, “Luca", to the public. Adhering to the core philosophy of "intelligence encompassing all", we look forward to exploring and expanding unknown possibilities with global partners, aiming to ensure AI technology serves humanity for a better life in a safe and inclusive manner, laying a solid foundation for the advent of the AGI world.

OpenBMB (Open Lab for Big Model Base,https://github.com/OpenBMB), founded by ModelBest Inc & TsinghuaNLP, aims to build foundation models and systems towards AGI.





