內陸太攀蛇學名Oxyuranns microlepidotus),又名細鱗太攀蛇西陸太攀蛇內陸盾尖吻蛇,屬眼鏡蛇科太攀蛇屬,是澳大利亞中東部半乾旱地區的特有蛇種。[2]居住在這些地區的土著澳大利亞人稱其為「Dandarabilla」。[3][4]內陸太攀蛇率先於1879年由弗雷德里克·麥科伊(Frederick McCoy)發現並描述,之後又於1882年由威廉·約翰·麥克萊(William John Macleay)發現並描述,但在接下來的90年中,內陸太攀蛇對科學界來說是一個神秘的物種。由於找不到更多的標本,對於該物種的認知直到1972年被重新發現之前基本停滯。[5]

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 爬蟲綱 Reptilia
目: 有鱗目 Squamata
亞目: 蛇亞目 Serpentes
科: 眼鏡蛇科 Elapidae
屬: 太攀蛇屬 Oxyuranus
內陸太攀蛇 O. microlepidotus
Oxyuranus microlepidotus
(McCoy, 1879)



雖然內陸太攀蛇極具毒性且善於攻擊。但與更加激進的海岸太攀蛇相比,內陸太攀蛇通常非常害羞,喜於隱居,[18]性格平靜且更偏向擺脫威脅。[19] 然而如果被激怒、[20]處理不當[21]或在逃跑時被干擾,會進行自衛並攻擊。 [22]此外由於內陸太攀蛇生活在偏遠的地方,很少與人接觸,[23]因此根據其性格與年致人死亡數方面,內陸太攀蛇並不被認為是世界上最致命的蛇。[24]


  1. ^ Wilson, S.; Dickman, C.; Hobson, R.; Sanderson, C. Oxyuranus Scutellatus also known as the inland taipan. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018, 2018: e.T42493150A42493160 [19 November 2021]. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T42493150A42493160.en . 
  2. ^ Cecilie Beatson (November 29, 2011). ANIMAL SPECIES:Inland Taipan頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館Australian Museum. Retrieved October 14, 2013.
  3. ^ Queensland Snakes . History & Discovery. (archived) Queensland Museum. Retrieved November 15, 2013.
  4. ^ Pearn, John; Winkel, Kenneth D. Toxinology in Australia's colonial era: A chronology and perspective of human envenomation in 19th century Australia. Toxicon. December 2006, 48 (7): 726–737. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2006.07.027. 
  5. ^ Rediscovery. The Rediscovery of the Western Taipan. (archived) Queensland Museum. Retrieved November 15, 2013.
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  7. ^ * LISTS . Nine of the World's Deadliest Snakes頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). "#1: The snake with the world's deadliest venom - Oxyuranus microlepidotus" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  8. ^ Inland Taipan Venom vs. Sea Snakes Venom (most notable Belcher's sea snake)
  9. ^ Fry, Bryan頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) (February 08, 2005) Most Venomous頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),"Q;I was wondering what snakes venom is the most potent to humans A:Drop for drop it is the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), which has a venom more toxic than any other land snake or even the sea snakes." venomdoc.com Forums, Retrieved April 17, 2014
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  18. ^ * Cecilie Beatson (November 29, 2011). ANIMAL SPECIES:Inland Taipan頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) "The venom of the Inland Taipan is extremely potent and is rated as the most toxic of all snake venoms in LD50 tests on mice". Australian Museum. Retrieved October 14, 2013.
  19. ^ * Carbone, Nick reporting on Steve Irwin (September 04, 2011). Remembering Steve Irwin: The 5 Most Memorable Crocodile Hunter Videos頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) "Steve Irwin Plays with Inland Taipan (Fierce Snake)". 時代雜誌. Retrieved October 15, 2013.
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