



冬季湖幾乎是愛爾蘭獨有的現象,儘管在威爾斯Llandeilo附近的Cernydd Carmel有一個類似的例子,名為Pant-y-Llyn[3][4]


  1. ^ eDIL 2019: An Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, based on the Contributions to a Dictionary of the Irish Language (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1913-1976). [8 December 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-20). 
  2. ^ Reynolds, Julian D.; Duigan, Catherine; Marnell, Ferdia; O'Connor, A. Extreme and Ephemeral Water Bodies in Ireland. Chapter 4 in: Studies in Irish Limnology, Editor: P.S. Giller. The Marine Institute (Dublin, Ireland). 1998. 
  3. ^ Blackstock, T. H.; Duigan, C. A.; Stevens, D. P.; Yeo, M. J. M. Case studies and reviews. Vegetation zonation and invertebrate fauna in Pant-y-llyn, an unusual seasonal lake in South Wales, UK. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. September 1993, 3 (3): 253–268. doi:10.1002/aqc.3270030309. 
  4. ^ 3180 Turloughs : Freshwater habitats. jncc.gov.uk. Joint Nature Conservation Committee. [6 December 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-04-05).