
梅德里·巴赫里提格里尼亞語:መረብ ምላሽ)是位於馬雷布河以北、厄利垂亞高地的一個衣索比亞帝國半自治省。[1][2][3]孟尼利克二世後來在《烏查勒條約英語Treaty of Wuchale》 中承認衣索比亞帝國不再對梅雷布·梅拉什擁有主權 [4][5]


  1. ^ Caulk, Richard Alan. "Between the Jaws of Hyenas": A Diplomatic History of Ethiopia (1876-1896). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. 2002. ISBN 9783447045582. 
  2. ^ G. Marcus, Harold. A History of Ethiopia. University of California Press. 1994: 27. ISBN 9780520925427. 
  3. ^ Tamrat 1977,第121–122頁.
  4. ^ Man, Know Thyself: Volume 1 Corrective Knowledge of Our Notable Ancestors by Rick Duncan, p. 328
  5. ^ Caulk, Richard. "Between the Jaws of Hyenas": A Diplomatic History of Ethiopia (1876-1896). Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden. 2002: 129.