沸斑岩,又譯方沸響岩方沸斑岩(英語:Blairmorite) 是一種非常罕見的[1]斑狀噴出岩,[2]以加拿大艾伯塔省西南部的Blairmore英語Blairmore, Alberta社區命名。[3][4]該礦物以方沸石(英語:Analcime)爲主的斑晶、基質礦物爲透長石和鹼性輝石以及方沸石,輔以榍石,鈣鐵榴石和霞石組成。沸斑岩是一種長英質的方沸石(foidite)。[5]Blairmorite 也是一種富含方沸石的響岩[6][7]

來自 Crowsnest Formation 的淡方鈉岩標本。 琥珀色礦物是方沸石,淺色礦物是透長石,小的黑色礦物是鈣鐵榴石石榴石

這種岩石因在世界上獨有的兩種地質構造中的特性被學界鑑定為噴出岩:在加拿大阿爾伯塔省的Crowsnest層,它與噴發性的集塊岩和凝灰共生,而莫三比克的 Lupata峽谷也有類似的情況。[2]


  1. ^ MacKenzie, W.S., Donaldson, C.H. and Guilford, C. Atlas of igneous rocks and their textures. Harlow: Longman. 1982: 121. ISBN 0-582-30082-7. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 MacKenzie, W.S., Donaldson, C.H. and Guilford, C. (1982). Atlas of igneous rocks and their textures. Harlow: Longman. p. 121. ISBN 0-582-30082-7.
  3. ^ Pearce, T.H. (1993). "Analcime phenocrysts in igneous rocks: Primary or secondary? – Discussion" (PDF). American Mineralogist. 78: 225–229.
  4. ^ Johannsen, A. 1933. A descriptive petrography of the igneous rocks, Appendix III, p. 244. Univ. of Chicago Press.
  5. ^ Le Maitre, R.W. (editor) (2002). Igneous Rocks — A Classification and Glossary of Terms (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 55, 64. ISBN 0-521-66215-X.
  6. ^ Peterson, T.D.; Currie, K.L. (1993). Analcite-bearing igneous rocks from the Crowsnest Formation, southwestern Alberta (Current Research report 93-B1) (PDF). Geological Survey of Canada. pp. 51–56.
  7. ^ Deer, W.A.; Howie, R.A.; Zussman, J. (2013). An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals (3rd ed.). London: Mineralogical Society. ISBN 9780903056274.