

奈米電子學有時被視為破壞性創新,這是因為它研究的元件產品於傳統的電晶體差異很大。目前一些研究的對象有:混合分子半導體電子學、一維奈米碳管奈米線以及高級的分子電子學、 單原子奈米電子學 [1]

麻省理工學院官網首頁報道唐-崔瑟豪斯理論 (Tang-Dresselhaus Theory) 對不同尺度體系中電子輸運性質的描述

奈米元件中的電子輸運機制是相應電子元件研發和製造的關鍵。奈米尺度下,電子輸運可以是 擴散輸運彈道輸運量子躍遷的複雜組合。根據達尼爾∙羅德於貝爾實驗室提出的羅德理論[2][3]唐爽崔瑟豪斯夫人麻省理工學院提出的唐-崔瑟豪斯理論 [4][5][6][7][8],微電子元件尺度下的電子輸運機制依然能由單個電子攜帶的變最大值推知,而此最大值可以通過熱功率測得。


  1. ^ Achilli, Simona; Le, Nguyen H.; Fratesi, Guido; Manini, Nicola; Onida, Giovanni; Turchetti, Marco; Ferrari, Giorgio; Shinada, Takahiro; Tanii, Takashi; Prati, Enrico. Position-Controlled Functionalization of Vacancies in Silicon by Single-Ion Implanted Germanium Atoms. Advanced Functional Materials. February 2021, 31 (21): 2011175 [2022-07-10]. arXiv:2102.01390v2 . doi:10.1002/adfm.202011175. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-10). 
  2. ^ Rode, Daniel. Electron mobility in direct-gap polar semiconductors. Physical Review B. 1970, 2: 1012. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.2.1012. 
  3. ^ Rode, Daniel. Low-field electron transport. Semiconductors and Semimetals. 1975, 10: 1–89. doi:10.1016/S0080-8784(08)60331-2. 
  4. ^ Tang, Shuang; Dresselhaus, Mildred. New Method to Detect the Transport Scattering Mechanisms of Graphene Carriers. 2014. arXiv:1410.4907 . 
  5. ^ Tang, Shuang. Extracting the Energy Sensitivity of Charge Carrier Transport and Scattering. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8: 10597. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28288-y. 
  6. ^ Xu, Dongchao. Detecting the major charge-carrier scattering mechanism in graphene antidot lattices. Carbon. 2019, 144: 601–607. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2018.12.080. 
  7. ^ Tang, Shuang. Inferring the energy sensitivity and band gap of electronic transport in a network of carbon nanotubes. Scientific Reports. 2022, 12: 2060. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-06078-x. 
  8. ^ Hao, Qing. Transport Property Studies of Structurally Modified Graphene (報告). Arlington, VA: Defense Technical Information Center. 2019 [2023-07-25]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-30). 



Bennett, Herbert S.; Andres, Howard; Pellegrino, Joan; Kwok, Winnie; Fabricius, Norbert; Chapin, J. Thomas. Priorities for Standards and Measurements to Accelerate Innovations in Nano-Electrotechnologies: Analysis of the NIST-Energetics-IEC TC 113 Survey (PDF). Journal of Research of the National Institutes of Standards and Technology. March–April 2009, 114 (2): 99–135. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2010年5月5日). 

Despotuli, Alexander; Andreeva, Alexandra. A Short Review on Deep-Sub-Voltage Nanoelectronics and Related Technologies (PDF). International Journal of Nanoscience (World Scientific Publishing Co.). August–October 2009, 8 (4–5): 389–402. Bibcode:2009IJN....08..389D. doi:10.1142/S0219581X09006328. 



